new and question on a step


Hi, This is my first post here. After hearing about cathe on the firm board. I decided to buy one of her DVDs. The one I bought was Cardio hits. I LOVE IT. I have to admit I looked pretty silly,because I did not get all the moves right. But even so I did get a really good cardio workout. :)
My question is.. The step I have is only 26" long. so, I really had to modify some things. I am looking to buy a knew step. I found one called the super step bench that is 13" wide and 37" long. Plus it can adjust up to 15 1/2 inches High. Do you think this sounds like a good step? I plan on buying some of cathe's weight tapes.. So,I want to get a stepper that is good for both cardio and weight videos.

Thanks for your help,
I do not suggest getting the super step. That step is great for weight training, not great for stepping. I suggest getting the club length step. It is the step that Cathe and her crew use in all of the videos. It used to only come in aqua blue with purple and pink risers, but now it comes in black with gray risers. You can get one at a Sportmart or Galyans or D!cks if you have them in your area, or go to Glad to see you've entered the wonderful world of Cathe! Welcome!
I got mine at I also recommend not buying the Super Step (i.e. the ones that Cathe uses in her weight work). Like Jillybean said, the Super Step can only be used as a weight bench with the risers. It can be used as an aerobic step with just the platform, which is about 5.5". The Step can be adjusted from 4, 6, 8", depending on how many risers you have. If want it higher, you can buy additional risers at $10/ea at Or $15/pr at
WalMart has the sa step for about $10 less. Check it out....

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