New and need help with DVD Selection



I am totally new to Cathe. I donot own any Cathe DVD yet - but reading the fantastic results everyone got I cannot wait to start using one of her DVDS.

A bit about myself - I am 28 years old and three years ago lost 24 pounds doing FIRM. Then I stopped exercising for two years (bad bad but good thing is that I realize it is bad:)) and this year made a resolution to start working out n continue with it ever.

I started with SI6 early this year n it did not work for me - I didnot take the weight loss pills as I beleive in the natural weight loss system n also the workouts were bit monotonous --- So then went back to dear old FIRM. On the FIRM website I read about Cathe and got curious n started reading these forums n thought maybe I can start using one of Cathe's but I am confused with so many products out there.

Can someone please suggest something for me - I workout atleast 3-4 times a week n do interval running 2-3 more days - so guess I am intermediate? Also when you suggest a certain DVD could you also please tell me what equipment I would need (I have dumbells n the FIRM fanny lifter at home but am open to buying something that will work well).

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hi Madhu and welcome to the forums. Since you say you are intermediate, I would recommend Cathe's Body Blast Series which includes:

Step Blast (step workout, somewhat complex)/Step, Jump & Pump - circuit workout with step, hi/lo & compound weight work)
Equipment needed: step, dumbbells, barbell

Kick, Punch & Crunch (kickboxing and stability ball abs/Legs & Glutes
Equipment needed: Stability ball, ankle weights, high step, various eighted dumbbells

Supersets/Push Pull (intermediate total body workouts)
Equipment needed: a high Step, step bench, barbell, various weighted dumbbells, stability ball.

I don't know if stepping is your thing, but the Step Blast DVD is great. If you're new to stepping, you might want to start with Basic Step or Low Impact Step. Step Blast is somewhat complex and SJP is not quite as complex. Both of these are a lot of fun.

Kick, Punch & Crunch is my favorite kickboxing workout and mostly everyone around here loves it. The choreography is not difficult to pick up on this one. The ab routine on this is great. Legs & Glutes is a great leg workout. Gets a lot done in 51 minutes. It moves very quickly so I feel like I'm almost getting a cardio workout at the same time.

Supersets/Push Pull are said to be a couple of Cathe's underrated workouts but they are great endurance workouts and perfect for intermediates.

I really love all the music on these DVDs.

Good luck to you. I'm sure you'll love Cathe as we all do.

Thanks a lot Marcy for your response,

I like the Kick Punch and Crunch and the Leg & Glutes - I will check out some other Cathe DVDs as well.

But first will purchase the equipment needed.

I am not so used to steps - only the type of steps used in FIRM which is very basic compared to some stuff I saw in Cathe's DVD previews - so maybe will start with the basic step that everyone on the forum is talking about to make myself familiar.


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