Nervous! Doing Imax2 for 1st Time today!


As soon as my 2 year old goes down for his nap today I am doing IMAX2 for the first time! For some odd reason I am nervous about it! I don't know why!!! Just afraid I guess!

I got my new videos over a week ago and have only had time to do Boot Camp, Cardio & Weights and Pyramid Upper body so far because I have been so busy. I have had to work out at the club and at work a couple days.

Just wondering if the rest of you got nervous about doing any of the new videos?

I am even nervous to do Boot Camp the 2nd time since it kicked my booty so bad the first!

Hopefully I will get over this soon! I can do IMAX 1 and all the other Cathe videos. I guess this new series is mentally intimidating,,, but in a good way!
I felt the same way. Imax1 scared me so badly that I could't imagine getting through Imax2. It was hard but I loved it.
Alright... alright.... I did it! Take my advice... don't wait. When you get the new DVD or if you already have the VHS sitting on your shelf... haven't had the guts to take it out and actually stick it in the VHS player.... JUST DO IT!

It is sooooooo fun! Yes, it is hard.... but it is a blast! The moves and choreography has so much variety I truly think it goes way faster than the IMAX1! The music rocks! I am already planning on doing it again on either Monday or Tuesday!

I was so pumped up I even did Muscle Endurance afterward! Oooohhhh baby.... my saddle bags are hurtin' units today :) But... it feels soooo good. Doesn't it feel great when it hurts in your most fatty areas! I LOVE IT!

I know... I know... I was a whimp! But.... it happens to the best of us!

Thanks for all of your support! I appreciate it!
Why don't you tell us how you *really* feel? LOL

I don't want to rain on your parade but if you have the whole series, why don't you try the body blast rotation. You're gonna burn out doing it the way you're doing it. Believe me, you will be amazed at the results. Going into my third week and I have dropped a jeans size.
Oh please, please tell me where to find the body blast rotation. People talk about rotations often but I'm not certain where to look.
Julier - Ooh... you are sooo right! I just printed out the body blast rotation and am going to cut back! I did Cardi & Weights today and realized I thik I have been over training! I am going to try the Body Blast rotation! I think there is truly a reason Cathe primarily has only 1 of these workouts a day on there. My legs are hurtin' me tonight! There is no way I am going to work out tomorrow. I am taking a day off!

That is wonderful that you dropped a jeans size! Have you been able to maintain your muscle mass? I am concerned about losing some of the mass I have gained lately doing S&H etc....

Congrats on your progress! Hopefully I will have a similar result:)

I think you are so right that we all need to be careful with this new series. It is so fun and almost addicting. You tend to think it is like the other videos. And in all reality it is NOT! I see now why she varies the intensity.

Oh well... I usually have fun figuring these things out!
Hi Luvcardio: Just e-mailed you. I forgot to say in the e-mail that I have not lost any strength at all or the muscle mass. In fact, it is much better than before. I am much more lean now but still very strong. Just stick to the program - and I can't imagine it not working out. Yes, these are addictive. Cathe was brilliant with this series!
I am much more
>lean now but still very strong.

Hey Ms Julie,

If you become much more lean I won't be able to see you!


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