Neighbors and dog terrorism, venting


For years (16 for me and 25 for DH) have a retirement place in the woods. We sold our home 16 years ago after we retired from Boeing.

It's the most beautiful place on earth. Feels most of the time like being in heaven.

Then the neighbors dogs, (they have about 12 or so) but, one pit bull and a boxer, randomly, gets lose somehow (no leash law here) and terrorizes us on our own property.

Yesterday for example, my DH was unloading from the car and the two dogs wouldn't allow him to proceed. They came out of nowhere and charged and barked at him. He was afraid. I luckily heard him shouting out to me, to get me a gun. I got one, and had no idea what kind it was. He said it is a bee bee gun. He shot once (aimed for the rear), and made the pit bull mad,(he came charging more) then shot again and he looked around to see where it was coming from and then the last time and he fled out of our property.

When DH was on the roof, they came in and barked, and made lots of noise and left again. Stuff like that, most of the time. They love barking at us for some reason.

This happends at least once or every other month, (not so severe as yesterday). We try to just let it go, but yesterday, we couldn't ignore it anymore, it was scarry.

16 years ago there was an episode (this was the beginning of our dog terrorism). I had a Yorky and Poodle with me for a walk. The easement went past the neighbors with all the dogs. When they saw us, they went into pack mode and attached us, by charging and jumping up on me trying to get to my little dog in my arms. The poodle was screaming, trying to get away. I looked down, (no eye contact) and went very slowly back home. When all the time, they were baring their teeth and their muzzles touching my skin in various places. I cried all the way home.

Then as I did yesterday, called the Police. They said they couldn't do anything. Unless one of you had gotten bitten. Only then, can they do something. I asked if we could protect ourselves without getting into trouble. They said, if any dog comes on your property, and you feel like they will hurt you or your animals, you could shoot them.

I love dogs, it is not their fault that their owners can't control them. For years we've been going through this, and talked about moving from our beautiful heavenish home. I understand that life sometimes is unfair, but this is not right. We asked how to get the law in affect, and they said you can't. UH? Don't know where to go from here. It's so disappointing.

I just now found out, from DH, we could talk to the County Commissioner in hopes for a leash law. (At least I'll be doing something for our community).

Take care everyone (tears in eyes),


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Janie - have you spoken to the neighbours about their dogs? It's not right that you should be afraid on your own piece of property! Perhaps you can tell them that if they don't get the dogs under control, you'll be contacting your lawyer about damages for not being able to enjoy your OWN dang land!!!

Yes, we've tried being friends for years, and still they let their dogs do anything they want. They don't get it! We have tried to explain all this time nicely, rudely, everyway we can think of. We had to let them know, that it is our right to shoot them if we feel threatened in any way, and we will if it happends again. (of course we wouldn't unless we absolutely feel we must.) I hate this.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
You said, "I asked if we could protect ourselves without getting into trouble. They said, if any dog comes on your property, and you feel like they will hurt you or your animals, you could shoot them."

So, I'd shoot them the next time you have an incident like you described with the dogs and your DH when he was unloading the car. I would not hesitate for one minute. The cops said you could, so do it.
Oh my gosh...that is absolutely HORRIBLE!! Have you tried talking to the neighbors about it??? My guess is you probably have and they have been less than eager to correct the situation...but just thought I'd throw the question out there.

I can't even imagine living in fear that you could at any moment be attacked by a pit bull. A possible attack by a pit bull is definately something that should be taken very seriously...they are no joke should they get it in their mind that they want to cause harm to somebody.

I'm an AVID dog lover...but I know that a poorly trained/bred pit bull is nothing to joke about, and if it were me or my husband in the predicament we would not hesitate to take matters into our own hands should we feel threatened. I know that may not be a popular opinion, but it's how I would react nonetheless, especially if the owners are not willing to do whatever it takes to ensure my safety.

I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this...I can't even imagine what you guys are going through.


What about getting one of those fences.....shoot I don't know what
they are called but I'll try to describe it. My friend has a puppy and she lets him outside. She purchased this "invisible fence" that doesn't let him get away. Anytime he passes a certain point he gets electricuted. That teaches him not to pass certain boundaries.

Kathy - I think that the dog has to be wearing a collar that interacts with the fence that "zaps" them if they cross the line.
>What about getting one of those fences.....shoot I don't know
>they are called but I'll try to describe it. My friend has a
>puppy and she lets him outside. She purchased this "invisible
>fence" that doesn't let him get away. Anytime he passes a
>certain point he gets electricuted. That teaches him not to
>pass certain boundaries.

Janie-That's a nice thought, but probably not feasible.

Those fences are for training dogs to stay in their yards-they have to wear special collars and be trained as to where the boundaries are. They don't get electrocuted, just mildly zapped. Unless you can get these collars on the dogs and keep them on, it unfortunately won't work.

I'm really sorry you have to go through this annoyance with these animals. I hope you find a solution!

I don't get that. How people can let their dogs get to be like that, and, if they are, how they can dare to allow the dogs free? There's a major lawsuit brewing for the owners of those dogs. I think there can be criminal charges too, or not...

My pit bull is the sweetest dog in the world. Well, maybe not the sweetest in the world...but you know what I mean. It's simply poor dog rearing. The owners' responsibility and you should make them accountable. What do they say when you tell them?

I am a HUGE animal lover and don't even kill spiders in my house. However, if there were dogs threatening me, my family, or my pets...I'd shoot them.
Have you ever considered calling Animal Control or the local SPCA and reporting what's going on? Not sure how they handle things in your area, but I would talk them and see if there are not other options.

We had a neighbor once who had two German shepherds that kept getting out and terrorizing the neighborhood. I do not believe they ever bit anyone, but they did keep people from being able to get out of their cars and ran after a few people who made it into their houses before getting "jumped". Animal control took the dogs and the lady was fined. Not sure if she ever did get her dogs back, but we never had a problem after that.
I know this probably isn't the solution you're looking for, as it's bound to be expensive, but what about fencing in your property? I don't know how much you've got, but what about fencing off just on the neighbor's side?

It just sounds like your neighbor will not take you seriously... at least not until something very bad happens, like a dog bite or a shot dog... so a fence may be a solution to avoid things getting to a very sorry climax.

I know it stinks that they won't take responsibility for their animals... but seems to be the way so many people are these days.

Good luck and take care.

I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. These jackholes you have for neighbors are the unfortunate reason many places decide to impose breed bans. As a fan of both Boxers and Pits, it makes me sick. x(

I'm really surprised your county doesn't have a leash law. I would think that would be something that could be petitioned for. That's how a lot of local laws get started. I frequently see petitions for local things in neighborhood stores, coffee shops, etc that get taken to the selectboard.

Are other people in your area having the same problem with these neighbors? Is there an animal control department in the county that could help? Would there be an legal basis for a law suit, or the threat of a law suit against the neighbors? I'm probably stretching here, but DANG! I really feel for you!

I don't know how you feel about carrying a weapon, but pepper spray or mace could be a non-lethal alternative to a sidearm.

ETA: There are companies that make a pepper spray to deter bears that have a range of nearly 30 feet.

Get a shotgun and talk to someone at a gun shop about getting a few rounds with rock salt as the charge.

This in most cases won't significantly hurt the dog long term but it will stay away from you as it will remember the short lived intense pain.

The owner will probably notice the mottled fur and skin damage/irritation if he complains to you tell him it will be a slug the next time (which will kill the dog)

You've been too nice to this jerk of a neighbor.

Thank you for your concern. I have a call in to the County Commissioner. I'm hoping she will help guide me to get a leash law out here. I'm willing to learn and do anything I can to help our community with this problem.

Other people do not have this problem. Our neighbors live between wet land and us. We are the first neighbors that they (the dogs) visit. Then they have another 5 acres to go before they come to another neighbor. So they settle for us. Animal control can't help, it's out of their jurisdiction.

There is nothing we can do, except perhaps try to change the law. I'm so willing.

Building a fence around 5 acres is insane and costly for us to do. Pepper spray and mace is a great alternative. Where do you purchase something like that?

Thanks for your input.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

My husband also says I'm too nice. That sounds like a good idea also. The dogs couldn't forget about something like that. OUCH! For a long time. We will look into this. In the meantime, my husband will be using firecrackers and a lighter in his pocket for when the dogs suddenly appear.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I've never used any of these products, so I can't comment on how well they work. Here are a couple of companies that came up in a Google search:

This company has bear spray as well as other self defense pepper sprays, like jogger fogger, etc. - WARNING: There is a graphic pic on the page of someone who had a run-in with a bear.

I don't know if a local gun shop might carry pepper spay, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
I am so sorry you are going through this, Janie!!!

It just blows my mind that noone has jurisdiction over this. Maybe you should spend the money and talk to a lawyer what your options are, there has got to be something.

What a jerk of a neighbor, I sure can relate. Our neighbors take their dogs outside without a leash (there are leash laws in our county though), the dogs have already bit my kids and attacked my dogs. Our neighbors just don't give a rats behind!

We decided to move this year, the neighbors being a major factor in our decision.

Just wanted to send you big hugs!! Hang in there!

Oh Janie what a horrible situation--I am so sorry for you! I'm looking at houses right now & I found a place I loved but there are 2 rottweilers next door & I was afraid for poor little Max so I crossed it of my list.

Anyway, please don't shoot the dogs. It's not their fault, it's their owners' fault. If anyone should be shot it's the people. Clearly they have not trained their animals right & if they choose not to then fine, but put up a fence & leave your neighbors in peace.

Also I'm not sure what your local PD told you was correct. I get complaints from residents all the time when they get that response from our PD b/c it's usually not true--most police officers (and this is NO OFFENSE to POs--I have the utmost respect for ALL of them & their willingness to put their lives on the line for us) don't really like to respond to stuff like this.

In all likelihood your municipality has a leash law, which means your neighbors' dogs are absolutely not allowed off their property without a leash. Call your municipality's clerk's office & ask them if you have one. If yes, next time something like this happens call the police AND take pictures (ain't camera phones grand?). If they tell you there's nothing they can do tell them you know there's a leash law & you'd like a summons issued. If they refuse to respond, or if the incident is over by the time they get there, bring the pics w/the time & date to the PD & file a citizen's complaint. You might have to go to court but in most towns the fine is up to $1000 so hopefully it'll be enough incentive for your neighbors to figure out a permanent solution to this wretched situation.

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