Need to loose and lower body "extras"


New Member
Hello Everyone!
My name is Annette. I’m new to this forum. I need some advice about which workout I should choose. I have been doing the Basic Step workout for a while now and I’m very comfortable with it. Too used to it now I would say. I would like to start something new, a bit more challenging. I bought the Lowmax DVD but it’s really difficult. I cannot keep up with it. Is there another DVD anyone can suggest?
I started doing Cathe’s Step workout because I think its fun and challenging. I want to get in shape. I’m not really out of shape but I’ve put on like 10lb in the last few months and it’s all in my thighs. Can’t get my pants through my thighs and once I do, they are too big on my waist. So I really want to loose some weight of my lower body. Any suggestions on what workout I should try? Please help.
Thank you,
RE: Need to loose and lower body

Maximum Intensity Cardio is a more basic step workout. You can also try Power Max, Step Fit or Step Heat, they're a little more complex but not quite as difficult as Low Max.

Diet is key to losing weight--if you do an Open Discussion search for diet you'll find an enormous amount of information. Different things work for different people, so you really have to make a decision based on what you know about how your body reacts to different foods. I personally do low carb, which is very effective & easy to follow, but as I said there's a wealth of info on other diets here as well.
RE: Need to loose and lower body


Hello and welcome! Some people have 2 left feet but I believe I have 3! It took me a while to "get" Cathe's step routines. You can use the premixes to break things down until you can do it all the way through.

At first, when Cathe would cue a complicated sequence on the step I would say "not me" back to the TV and modify. But I decided to bring my natural stubborness out and started to say "why not me" instead and, eventually, the steps came.

A lot of the women on this forum may have had to practice bit by bit, but it is soooo worth it. You will be looking over your shoulder at that 10 lbs that you left behind (no pun intended!).

Keep with it!!
RE: Need to loose the lower body extras

Thank you very much for both replies. First of all in the title I meant to say "Need to loose the lower body extras" oops...
The information you provided is very helpful. Thanks again.
I have never been on a diet before. Never had any weight problems. This is the first time I am trying to watch what I eat. It's interesting how the body works. It took me a while to admit that I am gaining weight and that it's time to change my eating habits. I thought I was one of the lucky people who can eat anything. Well not anymore…
Now I’m ready to shed these extra pounds and start eating healthy. Wish me luck!
Thanks again for your help.

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