Need suggestions please

Hi everyone,

I am fairly new to Cathe but am an intermediate/advanced exerciser..I use weights on a universal gym and Firms..also I do alot of kickboxing and Taebo..I really want to get KPC..what other video can I get that incorporates a compact workout with weights?? I love weight training but I know Cathe is a want one that is challenging but not too much..can you lovely gals help? TIA!!!

If you want to combine doing aerobics and weights in the same workout I would suggest circuit max or cardio and weights. Also, the entire CTX series is nice because it gives you short but intense cardio sections followed by weight training for the upper body. All the workouts in this series can be done in under 1 hour. Also, if you like kickboxing (which it sounds like you do) you should definitely try cardio kicks and KPC. These workouts kick butt!! Hope this helps!

Cardio and weights is a good workout Step for cardio and then weight work intervals I htink the stepping is like 5-6 minutes then you do abody part w/weights then repeat for good workout! Cathe has lots ofjust weights workouts all are great Pure strength series or maximum intensity strength is total weight workout neither of these have cardio Her new series KPC is good also step, jump and pump Cardio kicks is good too from her earlier workouts can't loose w/any of her stuff!

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