Need suggestions on increasing weight


I don't know how to increase leg strength. I've been doing Muscle Max and Power Hour (and others) since last spring. I can't seem to increase leg strength. I use a bar plus 10 lbs for squats and lunges and still barely get thru the reps. How do you break the plateau? At least I am not getting sore every time I do the workout anymore. do I go heavier and do fewer reps? during the same time I have seen steady improvement on arms, shoulders and abs but the legs seem to be stuck.
Try using 2 sets of weights--one a little lighter than what you're doing now, one a little heavier. 3/4 of the way through an exercise switch from the light to the heavy. After a few weeks switch halfway through. After 8-10 weeks hopefully you'll be able to use the heavier weight from the beginning.
So I should use the bar plus 5 lbs for the first part and then switch to the bar plus 15? Is that right?
or could I sub dumbbells for the bar?
My personal preference is the bar--I feel like it works the legs harder when the weight is higher.

I'm trying to visualize this (I do legs at the gym so I might not be the best authority). Seems like you should have less of a range.....let's just say the bar is 5 lbs. So you'd be going from 15 to 35 lbs. That seems like a huge jump. Is there any way you can set up the bar to use 20 & 30 lbs?

I don't want anyone getting hurt b/c of my advice! ;-)
Here are a few options for you to choose from. One might work better for you than the others:

I'd do fewer reps with a heavier weight, maybe at a different tempo from what Cathe does (just go at a pace that feels safe and doable for you).

Or start with a bit heavier weight than you usually use (5-10# more), do as many reps as you can, then change to a lighter weight and finish out the set. Try to get one more rep at the heavier weight each time you do the workout. (This is a 'drop-set' technique). (I personally wouldn't do it the other way around, since you want to be fresh and recovered when you lift the heavier weight, and if you do the lighter weight first, you'll use up energy that could have gone towards lifting the heavy weight, and you won't be able to lift the heavy bar for as many reps as if you start with it. Just make sure you're warmed-up before starting).

Another option is to microload, which is adding very small increments of weight to your bar--barely noticeable. This is often done with .5-1 pound increments, but that's a bit impractical unless you have some of those magnetic weights around. Instead, pick up some 1.25# and 2.5# plates, and start by adding the two 1.25# weights on (to increase your weight by 2.5#), then go to two 2.5# (5# heavier than your current weight), then two 2.5# and two 1.25 pounds (for 7.5# heavier than now), then you'll be ready to go to two 5# weights which you should already have around).

One thing to consider is that if you work your legs often, they may not be getting enough recovery time. Heavy lifting requires more recovery time, so try doing lower body no more than 2x per week while you are building strength.
I'm trying to do add a weight routine 2-3x a week. I do treadmill and/or elliptical 6 days a week. For example, I did 30 min on treadmill this morning and then Muscle Max. I did the same thing on saturday. on sunday I did Drillmax. on monday I did 30 min treadmill and 30 elliptical. I plan to do MM or PH at least once more this week, maybe twice if time allows.
today I got thru all the squats/lunges in MM using 15 lbs. I assume the bar weighs about 5 lbs. but it's no easier than the first time I did it months ago. Not that it should be "easy" but I thought I would progress a little. I have tried to increase frequency since I didn't seem to be progressing at 1x a week.
I have 5 & 10 lb plates. maybe I should locate some 1.25,2.5 lb ones. Actually, I will do that for sure.

Thanks for your suggestions. If anyone has more to suggest please do. I won't be back here until thursday morning so won't be responding..
Try a split routine for a few weeks. Do an all leg workout like Gym Style Legs, Pure Strength, or Slow and Heavy Legs. With more focus on legs, your legs are bound to get stronger. edie
I don't own any of those workouts yet.... Maybe santa will think of me!
But I did buy some 2.5 lb plates yesterday. couldn't find any 1.25 at all. Now, adding just 5 lb bar will be possible. adding 10 lbs was way too much. Thanks everyone for your input.

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