Need some rotation ideas with the videos I'm getting


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-02 AT 10:01AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi ...thanks in advance for the help

I have just ordered the CTX all convinced me ...can not wait to get it. Then I have Power Hour, Circut Max and Ega Step Blast comming in for a trade I just did. I also Have Cardio Kicks as well as Firms and Karen Voight and some pilates videos.

I do have that huge list of rotaions but I do not know which videos to sub for the ones I do not have....I very bad at this.

So I need help with a rotaion idea....I'm not that advanced more intermediate. I have to modify a little bit...hopefully one day I will be able to master Cathe....I always tell myself the day I can do her whole tape all the way through I will be in good shape. She is in such good shap soooo jelous. My main goal is to loose about 10-15lbs and tone what I have...maybe make it a little bit more shaply. I want to loose some inches in my hips and thighs and butt as well. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

sorry for the long post....thanks everyone....

Hi Tammy,
I'm not sure which list of rotations you have, but if you look at the "type" of video called for (ie: step,hi/lo,kickboxing or weights), then you can make whatever substitution you are comfortable with.
For example, if a rotation calls for "Step Fit" (a step video), then you can sub your "Mega Step Blast" for that, or even a K.V. step video for it. It really is just about balancing your workout, so wherever you see a cardio, sub a cardio, and wherever you see weight training, sub a weight video. You'll find your own unique rotation within a rotation anyway. The most important thing is that you create a workout that is fun for you, and challenging at the same time.
If you need more specific help putting one together, then post again with the rotation you are thinking of doing, and we can mix and match some ideas.

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