Need some opinions and suggestions.


Active Member
Hi everyone...I am new to Cathe...I have BC/ME and KPC/L&G...I worked out to these and I can't believe how phenomenal these workouts are! I thought I was in great shape but these kicked my butt. I wish that I would have known about Cathe sooner...someone writing a review of Cathe's DVD's wrote..."theres Cathe and then there is everyone else." So true....I think it is great that Cathe does the whole workout, never stops to walk around the class, she guts it out with you.

I want to purchase the intensity series, but I have never been proficient with the step, I do ok, but Collage describes ImAX 2 as complex choreography...I am afraid I would not be able to pick it up, is it that hard to learn? Also, could someone give me an example of the intensity rotation that they have used, since you are not suppose to work the same muscle group two days in a row...I would really appreciate some advice...Oh, does anyone know where you can purchase the high step with the blue top instead of the gray? Thank you so much.....Stacey
I do not think that IMAX 2's choreography is difficult, it is quite simple, with a couple of exceptions but with all her DVD's you need to preview it first. What is tuff about this DVD are the blasts after all 10 sections, which will take your heartrate to the moon.

It took me a minute to get Step Blast down and Rhythmic Step, but once I did I had a blast with these workouts.

Try her original IMAX, also, this one is not difficult. Also, take a look at her video clips, or check her out on FitTV before you purchase. Hope this helps.
If you wanted you could also purchase her Basic Step and Body Fusion dvd. It is a dvd that is good for those just beginning an exercise progam OR those who are new to step....I was horrible at step but I purchased that DVD and I can not believe how much better I am now!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
IMAX2, IMO, is one of the less complex step tapes. I think Collage just automatically attaches "complex choreography" to all of Cathe's workouts.

Also, don't let complexity scare you. I have two left feet & it always takes me a while to catch on to a new Cathe workout, but once I do I have so much fun with it! Part of it is just b/c of the huge accomplishment of making it through a complex w/o without falling on my face (I won't say without looking like an idiot b/c I know I still do :p ), and part of it is the increase in the fun factor that goes along w/the dancier steps.
Thank you for the replys...I am going ahead and ordering IMAX 2/Caridio & Weights DVD...Thanks again everyone!.....Stacey

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