Need some Muscles!

I am new to Cathe and having been using her Step Heat tape and really love it. I now find I am ready for more, I really need to build muscles all over my body. What tapes would you recommend,and what kind of workout routine would you reccommend that would include good cardio workout and muscle building too?
Thanks ParirieGril
The Eternal Quest

We're all here in search of the balance between cardio (to reveal muscles & strengthen our hearts) & weight training (to build muscle). Everyone is different, so depending on your body type & current condition, you may have to emphasize one or the other. If you're new to strength training, really new, then start with the muscle conditioning in the Wedding Tape. MIS is a great total body strength workout. BodyMax is a challenging step & strength workout. Then there are all the new videos which are very challenging which are all combos of strength training & cardio. Tell us more about your current condition & the group here will be happy to help you spend some money.

RE: The Eternal Quest

My current well OK I had a baby about five months ago and I am almost at my pre-baby weight,(which was a lot harder the third time around:()but I would now like to loose some extra weight. I am about 5'7" and about 140 I would like to be in the 130's. With clothes on I am OK, but with summer coming and swimsuit weather I am in desperate need of some muscle and toning! I feel my legs and arms are too fatty! My expierence has been mainly in step Aerobics. But I really need to build muscles and to tone.
I am not sure if you need more of info on me or not? Let me know:)
CTX series

With a 5 month old, I assume that your time is somewhat limited? The CTX series is great for making sure you get in all the weight training and cardio in a shorter period of time. If you find that it's too hard on your joints doing all 5 cardio portions ( as I did ) you can substitute other cardio ( like 1 or 2 sections from Step Heat )for some of the sections. You can also combine the weights if you find the 1 part per day to be not as effective for you.

The PS tapes are great because they have the weight training split up over 3 days. You could toss in a 20 minute cardio section on the upper body days really easily, so you keep your cardio momentum going. I had the greatest physical changes when I started doing the PS tapes, but keep in mind I had already been weight training for acopuple of years. I can't really comment on how they would affect a beginner to weights.

MIS is a great total body workout, but at 75 minutes, it gets pretty long, and can be overwhelming at times. What I do is stop right before the abs, and do those on another day. That way it's just 60 minutes plus a little more stretching on my own. Sicne I only work my abs 3 or 4 days a week,I can easily get in what I need on other days.

I hope this is helpful. Good luck!!

RE: The Eternal Quest

The general guidelines for health are 2-3 weight training sessions & a minimum of 3 cardio workouts each week. The muscle conditioning in the Wedding Tape are a great intro to weight training. I'd start with that twice a week in addition to your cardio work. You might consider Cardio Kicks (no weights) or Circuit Max (light to moderate weights) for a 3rd session each week that'll take care of cardio & toning in 1 workout. They're tough workouts but since you've already tackled one of Cathe's step workouts, you can get a lot of bang for your buck.

Cathe's weight training is generally as tough as her cardio. You might find you need a transition tape or two as you progress. My sister is using some Firm & Karen Voight tapes as a followup to the Wedding Tape. Don't be shy about posting back. The Video Fitness Forum is a great resource too & has more beginners.

Recognizing that you have 3 children & probably not a lot of downtime, you will need to be creative in your fitness pursuit. That means turning stroller time into a fitness walk, taking time during a soccor game for yourself, realizing that park equipment isn't just for kids. My husband stops at the tot lot on his way walk home to knock off a set of pull ups. Several of my neighbors shoot hoops or play a little street hockey with all the kids they can round up. It's not a perfect workout but it's efficient.

Hope this helps. I'm sure you can tell I'm the eldest in my family since I gave you the big sister talk!
RE: The Eternal Quest

Thanks Erin and Debra! OK Debra, I am going to take your advice and get the wedding video. I think that this video like you said would be a good one for me to start with. Once I do some muscle coditioning I then will move more into the muscel building. Thanks also for the great hints on other things I kind do to get in shape! I always think of playing soccer and hockey with my boys as just spending time with them, but I now can think of it as doing something for my body too. Boy, I will remember that the next time I am asked to play and I don't feel like it!:)
I now have a question for you Debra or anyone else, where did you find the best place to get the dumbell set that you need for the wedding video?
Thanks again from one big sister to another!
RE: The Eternal Quest

You can find inexpensive dumbells at nearly all sporting goods stores. You don't need anything fancy. I would stay away from the plastic coated ones because the plastic tends to crack & break off. The metal ones last forever. You'll probably need a 3# & 5# set for the Wedding Tape.
RE: The Eternal Quest

K-mart sells dumbells, too. :) And The Wedding Video is a good choice to start with weights, I agree. Have fun!

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