Need some HONEST opinions


I used to workout to cathe...not consistantly, but atleast I attempted:) I got pregnant in September of last year (have 7 weeks till delivery) and quit working out all together. I'm one of those that is terrified of a miscarriage. Anyways, I am ready to get back to it. I've already been eating healthy, but need to add the exercise. Here is the dilemma:

Should I order the new series and workout at home...after a year off basically...or join a gym and wait to order the new series till I have been working out more? Oh yea, I will have 3 kids under the age of 4:7

So, all opinions are more than welcome! I'm having a c-section June 19th, will join WW as soon as I am out of the hospital, and want to start working out as soon as 6wks likely.

If you have the money now, I would say order STS now and save money on the lower pre-order prices.

It doesn't matter if you don't even use it for a year after it has been released. You can still have it on your shelf and keep it in your sights as your goal to work towards after you have been given the green light to return to exercising. At that point, obviously, you will be starting from more of a moderate exerciser perspective, but you can have STS a a goal, even then.

I have Cathe DVDs from recent releases that I bought using pre-order bargains, and I still haven't done them yet. So what? I will, soon.

Order the new series and work out at home, for the following reasons:

1: You will save yourself the monthly cost of not only the gym membership but also the child-care costs (within or without the gym);

2: You will save yourself the hassle of having to bundle up the kidlings if you have to schlep them to the club, or the hassle of finding a babysitter on an ongoing basis;

3: Because you used to work out to Cathe you are already skilled at her cueing and won't have to worry about wasting time on a learning curve;

4: With a home workout system you can set your own schedule within the needs of your family care;

5: With Cathe's workouts, the money you shell out is for things you will have forever, whereas with the money you shell out for a gym membership the money's gone at the end of the month;

6: It's a hassle to sign up with a gym (which often requires an enrollment fee that is totally wasted money, and often tries to lock you into a long term contract that is darned hard to get out of) only to discontinue the membership at a later date, dealing with the gym staff who will try to change your mind and having to keep track and make sure they don't keep deducting your dues from your credit card or checking account.

There are many, many other reasons in addition to the above, but these are the biggest ones that come to mind. IMHO, the explosion of options for home-exercise has been an absolute boon to the adult with young-family obligations, for its economy and flexibility.

Plus, I'm of the opinion that you simply get a superior workout experience with Cathe's products be they for cardio, strength or both. Many fitness instructors (and I myself am a former fitness instructor) highly regard Cathe for her commitment to effectiveness and intensity.

Make sure to frequent the FitMoms forum here on this site if you haven't already; you will have a wonderful sisterhood of empathy, strategizing and information there.


Amen A-Jock,

I had a hard time finding time for the Gym after I had my daughter but found time at home, at nap time, and now when I can grab an hour from work...and Cathe's stuff kicked my butt back into shape and offered variety and more of a well rounded workout then any trainer ever offered.

I tried an ab workout in the middle of the gym, felt very exposed, and the thought of popping a barbell on my back in the midst of others scares me. And probably them. LOL In my basement it's all good.
Keep 'em coming! But thanks for the opinion so far:)

I would have to go to the gym for a 5:15 class, because my 3.5 year old refuses to stay in the gym nursery. It's a constant fight! I was going to hire a trainer if I went to the gym, just to get me started. My only thinking about a gym was that I would have to work harder cause a trainer would be literally pushing me! With cathe...I tend to pause a lot. But, I love cathe, and I love her weight workouts. I love to lift heavy and long to do that again!

Again, thanks so far and keem em' coming!
IMHO, stick with Cathe. I have 3 kids (2-5 years old) and find it much easier to work out at home than going to the gym. Cathe's new STS series seems like it's going to wonderful and will definitely get you back to your pre-preg body :)
I think you need to ask yourself if you can commit to the STS rotation. If you can, then you should get them. If you are not sure, it might be worth waiting. I would think it would be hard to make a commitment to a 90 day rotation just coming back from having a baby - but, it might also be motivating for you. It depends on what works for you! I've never found the gym very convenient, so I for the most part stick to home workouts. I do have a hard time sticking to rotations though which is why I have not preordered STS.
An alternative opinion re rotations and STS:

I have pre-ordered STS, and I know I will never follow the rotation as Cathe has structured it. And I don't think you have to to benefit from it. Although periodization is a time-honored method of achieving fitness goals, you don't have to be on that hyper-structured of a program to get good results.

I still think, OP, that whatever you decide to purchase, a home-ex system would be far more in tune with your needs and schedule than a gym membership. Maybe when your children get older, a gym might be worthwhile. (I still belong to the club system that acquired MY club system but from which I resigned as an instructor, because I love pool work and a pool is one piece of equipment I can't afford.) But for now, stick with the home front. And, STS is still hideous-kinky-discounted and well worth the cost.

If it is not too much of a challange for you to workout at home I would get STS. It dosen't matter what your fitness level is you go off your 1 rep max. It is going to help you gain the strength back you want. I have a 9 month old and I thought about not getting STS because I was out of shape from baby. It's weight training just like if you went to the gym, its improves off of what you can do.

I was scared of miscarriage too when I was pregnant and I didn't workout. But you still have some time to make some gains before you do get STS. Since I descided to buy it, it got my butt in gear too get in better shape before it comes out.

All in all you need to do what is easier on you and what you can commit too.

Good Luck!

Thank you! I drive a mini van (by choice:)) and LOVE it. However, it's a gas guzzler. I live about 6 miles from the gym, and the entire way there is back roads, with a speed limit of 35. Takes me about 25 minutes to get there. I am looking at the cost, and think it might not be worth going to the gym.

It would be $40 a month for my membership, plus 60 miles a week roundtrip (if I went 5 days...) So, that takes me to 240 miles a month, which is almost a full tank of gas at $75.00. EEK! My gym membership will cost me about $115 a month. HOLY COW! I used to not think in terms of gas, but you have to now.
My kids are all over 18 now and for me, since I can commit myself to it, it comes down to the cost and the time.

Even though the gym is just a 1/2 mile away, by the time I get home from work, change, drive to the gym, get checked in and get back home, an hour long class turns into at leas and hour and a half if not more.

Plus, you are limited to their classes and their schedule (not conducive to a mother of three young ones - I too had 3 within 4 years) and then maybe not conducive to the workout you want. And, when adding in the machines or aerobic equipment, again you are limited to what is open when you get there, which cannot always be predicted.

So, if you can commit to home workouts, IMO the Cathe DVD's will be good for you and probably less expensive. Save the extra $ for some "you time" with yourself and/or your DH. 3 young children, though I loved every minute of it, can be frustrating at times and you need to make time for yourself too !

Have fun with whatever you end up doing and hope all works well with your upcoming birth !
STS requires three hours per week to complete. In a year's time from now, tell me that you have a partner who loves you and his children enough to allow you 3 hours per week to work out and dedicate to nurturing the body that brought his children into the world.

As a mother of two who also worked on grad degrees while her children were small, I can tell you that working out at home and fitting my exercising around work and children's schedules was the ONLY way to fit workouts in. If you like to weight train, get STS now and save a bundle of money.

I am in the same boat as you and haven't worked out since October. I just got a high step, high step circuit dvd, Butts and Gutts and both GS upper body workouts as an early mothers day present. They are what I wanted from my hubby. I can't use them bec I am a high-risk preg and am not due until the end of may. Of course, I have already watched all of them and can't wait to use them. There is just no time in the day to waste on traveling back and forth to the gym so at home is the only way to go for me. Hope this helps.
I'd invest in more home workouts/equipment rather than a gym in your case. I have 6 kids (almost 14 and under) and am expecting #7. I've found working out at home a lot more flexible in terms of money and time. I also don't have to worry about driving or getting the kids or me ready to go anywhere. The thought of trying to workout at a gym just sounds like waaaay to much work at this stage of my life.

Another vote for STS.

I like to workout at home because I can do it anytime I need to and even break up the workouts if I must! Also, one of mine cannot stand the child watch at my gym, so they always come and get me anyway!? x(

Good luck with everything!!!!

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