Need some help/advice.....


Hello All! I am in need of some advice. Lately when I do step aerobics, my left arch hurts like crazy. It feels tense -- like the muscle is going to cramp up. I do have plantar fascitis, and it's very bad on my left heel. I have shoe inserts that I wear, but my arch hurts whether the inserts are in or not. Does anyone have any suggestions that may help? It really does get painful, and I don't know if it's the way I'm flexing my foot as I step or what. I appreciate any/all advice. Thanks!


p.s. Perhaps I should mention: I'm using my Brooks running shoes when I do step.
Hi, Fit. You should probably stretch and ice your arch after you work out. Your shoes may be part of the problem. Running shoes are great for running but they have no lateral support so the types of movements found in step may be aggravated by that lack of support. I always recommend wearing sport specific shoes for any activity. You might look into an aerobics shoe or a cross trainer. See a doc if the problem persists and, yes, there's a possibility you may need to take a break! My left arch collasped years ago and I wear orthotics to correct the problem but I have to be very careful! Fortunately, I love workout shoes and have found that having the right shoe is the key to continuing the high intensity, high impact activities I love.
I agree that you should get some different sneakers for your workouts. I also have plantar fac...however you spell it. Anyway, I found that if I do some foot stretches before I get out of bed in the morning it helps to reduce the daily pain. I flex my foot up and toes up to stretch the arch, do circles with my feet, and push the heel of one foot into the arch of the other and move the heel around the arch area. This seems to work for me. Also, if you have a tennis ball, when you are sitting in a chair like watching TV, eating dinner, or reading a book, put the tennis ball under your foot and roll it around under your arch. This is another way to stretch. GOOD LUCK!
Thank you ladies! I know I need a crosstraining shoe...I've just been putting it off. I'll work on that, and the stretching, etc.


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