Need some Bosu help!

Not sure which videos you're using with the bosu but have you tried the ones from I LOVE these workouts! There's a bit of weightwork and lots of great core work. Also, I do squats and lunges on the bosu when they're done during other workouts. There is just nothing like a nice, deeep squat on a bosu! LOL Also, you can use it for lying chest work and so on. I truly believe the bosu is the best fitness toy I've ever bought with the exception of the club sized step I bought in 1990!
Karen :)
Hi Karen!

I bought two DVD's from bosupro, Bosu Equilibrium and Reactive Strength and Power. When you do squats and lunges how heavy do you go on your weights? I've never even thought of using it for chest work. I have a weight bench and I usually use that. I'll give it a whirl tomorrow! Thanks for your help. :) BTW, which DVD is your favorite from bosupro? I know I'm going to end up getting them all eventually! Thanks again!

You really should try cardio on the BOSU. It is so much fun and brings it up to a new level. Try doing some of the older step tapes on the BOSU. Some I have tried and that have been great are Kathy Smith's Power Step, Kathy Smiths Basic Step, Kathy Smith Step tape for Legs, Keli Roberts old basic step tape, Karen Voight's tapes. I am told that some of the old Cathe step tapes are doable but I have not tried them. I have also heard that some of the Rebok step tapes are good. I have done Extreme Intervals on the BOSU and it is great. Another step tape I have done is the new Keli Roberts CIA step and weights tape. Sorry I cannot remember all the names, but if you go on E-bay, you may be able to get them cheap and figure out which ones I am talking about.

Hi Sherry!
I think it's Gay's Reactive Strength video that shows the chest flyes on the bosu. As for weighted squats, it just depends, the heaviest I've gone so far is only 8 pounds - I have to admit, I'm a little bit afraid of going to heavy on the darn thing even though I realize that's just a mental block :)

I don't think I can pick a fave...So far I have Rob, Gay and Jay's workouts and just ordered Candices. I plan on ordering the Mindy/Keli one when it's released. I guess if I was forced to choose, I'd say Rob's cardio one is my favorite. It is just so much fun - I truly laugh out loud while I'm doing it and find myself smiling through the whole thing. I didn't expect to like Jay's and only ordered it as others had mentioned enjoying it. It's a really great core workout - a few "yoga-ish" moves, deep squats, sitting cross legged on the upside down bosu, pushups...I just love it. Gay's workout is a lot of fun, too but I've only done that one once and can't remember too many details.

I also would agree that utilizing it for cardio is a LOT of fun. I have done all Firm shortbox on there but even more fun has been resurrecting old step tapes that I thought were too easy and making them fresh and intense! Keli's old tapes, old Reeboks, Kathy Smith...they all come alive again with the bosu. I really can't sing the praises loud enough for this piece of equiment. I think the possibilities are endless!
Karen :)

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