Need some advice


I have been working out using the body blast rotation for about a month. I know that I did not change my diet to much in the begining, but have really been working on cutting out the junk and eating 3 meals and 3 snacks. I have cut my calories down to about 1500 a day. I have been sticking to the rotation pretty much regularly and getting most of the workouts completed (step blast is tough to make it all the way through) but I manage them. I really haven't lost much weight, I have lost a little in size, but not what I was hoping for. I weigh about 147 and I would like to get down to about 130. Am I just expecting too much too fast? Any advise is welcome. I am going to start an intensity series rotation tomorrow, do you think this is a good idea, or should I stay with body blast a bit longer? Thank you for any responses.
Go for the Intensity series next. There's no reason not to. Your body just never has a chance to tell what's coming next.

As far as the weight thing, everyone is going to tell you about eating as clean as possible. That makes a huge difference. What I want to emphasize to you is to just be patient, dramatic differences in size are not the norm. If you keep working out, eating clean and eating enough, you should soon reach your goals. Of course, you will continually reevaluate your goals & see where you want to go from there. HTH.:)

Hey girlfriend!!

I am glad to see that you like the Cathe workouts, I was wondering if you finally bought some, you will be pleased with your investment.

You may not have lost much body weight but you have most likely increased your lean muscle mass while losing body fat, and muscle weighs more than fat. You may not be seeing a huge weight loss right now, because you are increasing lean body mass. This is most likely the reason you have seen a "size" difference, but small body weight difference. Fat tissue takes up a lot more space than lean muscle mass does, therefore your weight may not change much but your body size decreases. It sounds like your making wonderful progress to me, keep up the good work!!

Here is a concept that is very hard for everyone to grasp..body weight is just a number..body fat percentage is a far more accurate way to measure your progress.

I feel that rotations need to be changed every 3-4 weeks for optimal results. I would change your rotation to the intensity series...sounds like you have it down sister!

:) :)
Hey Denise!
Yes, I love Cathe, Thank you so much for introducing me to her! I have the Body Blast Series, The Intensity Series, and I am currently working on the Hardcore Series. I just ordered the Gym Styles and low max. I already have Kick Max, Rhythmic Step, Basic Step, Power Hour, and the CTX series. I am totally adicted! I also pre ordered the new ones. I have quite a collection of dvds and equipment since I last talked to you. Thanks again so much!

I know that most will say that eating clean is a big thing, I don't do that. I am really not to sure what eating clean involves. I do like the slim fast options, but I doubt that would be considered clean. I would be willing to try it. From what I understand if it is pre packaged, or comes in a can, it is not clean? I also do not care for meat. I can't stand fish, only salmon once in a great while and tuna once in a while. As far as the rest of the meat options, I can eat chicken breast and turkey breast, but would rather not. I don't eat any other sea food and no pork at all. Thanks for your response and hopfully I can get my diet right and then I think I will see a bit quicker progress. I know that since I have cut out all the junk (chips and candy) I have seen more progress. :)
Sounds to me like you need to eat more calories. The taller and larger you are, the more calories you need to just get your body to function. If you're barely eating that and then asking your body to exercise, your body will hold on to every last calorie it can just to survive. I went to a nutrition and exercise seminar this weekend and the RD suggests to her patients to eat a substantial breakfast(Of course), 2 lunches(!!!), and a small dinner. She also lets them add in snacks as necessary but she believes the key is to eat a small dinner as most people tend to over-eat at that meal and then proceed to sit around for hours or go to bed. You may also want to consider zig-zagging your calorie intake so your body doesn't get used to eating the same amount of calories everyday. That way, if you want to have a "low calorie" day, then your body won't be expecting it and it will allow some weight loss. I like the website They will give you a sample week of zig zagging and give you your BMR so you can have some numbers to work with. I think a lot of women just end up picking some random number of calories to work with and it ends up being way to low to reach their goals. The BMR is based on your height, weight, gender, and activity level.

Thank you,
That site was very helpful. According to the site I need 2247 for maintenance, 1798 for fat loss, and 1348 for extreme fat loss. So at 1500, I am somewhere in between fat loss and extreme fat loss. The zig zag idea is very interesting. I think I will try that along with trying to eat as clean as possible. Thank you.
Clean eating is a really simple idea. Basically cutting out processed foods and sugars. Eat fuits, veggies, whole grains and protiens and stay away from the white flowers and sugars.

I also now try to make my biggest meal of the day lunch. It seems to be working very well.
When I started with Cathe it was CTX. I didn't really notice any changes with weight and definition until I changed my eating habits. I actually ate more when I went to 6 small meals a day, and the pounds I wanted to lose came off. I started with the Body For Life Plan. Anyhow, if you go to their website, the eating area has a list of what are some good choices of foods to be eating at each meal. This helped me get my poor eating habits under control. Just my $.02. Melissa

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