Need some advice


New Member
Hello Cathe:

I'm new to your workouts. I heard about your workouts on the Firm boards and watched a few of your workouts on FitTV and decided to order a few. Well, my results are starting to show but I need some advice.

I've been battling my weight since my daughter, who is now 5 years old was born and consider myself to be an intermediate exerciser, when it comes to your tapes. I love cardio and weight training and wanted to know if it's okay to follow this weekly schedule and lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass:

Mon - cardio
Tues - weight training
Weds - day off
Thurs - cardio
Fri - weight training
Sat - day off
Sun - stretch day and 30 minute walk/run

I'm reading BFFM and have been clean eating now for about three weeks. I was doing 5-6 days of exercise, alternating between cardio and weight training days and only resting on Sundays but Tuesday I just couldn't get through the High Step Challenge DVD. I did about 45 minutes and then had to quit, not slow dow, I had to quit. My energy level was zero! I took a rest day yesterday and had a pasta meal for dinner and today I feel much better and ready to get back in the swing of things. I'm guessing that I was overexercising with a combination of not eating the right amount of carbs. I'm working on finding the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats with BFFM as the guide but I just wanted to know this exercise schedule will benefit me in my weight loss goals and also give my body the rest it was screaming for Tuesday and Wednesday.

By the way, I just wanted to mention that I love your tapes and am in the process of ordering all of them. You have truly motivated me to get on track with my exercise and push myself to new levels of fitness. I look forward to exercising and now make time, instead of excuses, to exercise on a regular basis.

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