Need rotation to increase fitness in 6 weeks


I am about an intermediate in terms of cardio fitness but a beginner in terms of strength training. I ride horses competitively (in the eventing discipline), and I am going to a week-long clinic during the first week of April. The last time I rode with this instructor, I was told that I need to improve my overall fitness level with respect to cardio, core, back and leg strength and stamina. I don't need to lose weight, but I do need to improve my fitness- I have been riding a lot all winter, but not doing much else.

I am starting with Basic Step and the three add-on strength workouts. Basic Step was pretty easy for me, the strength workouts were tougher.
I have the two high step DVDs that came out at the same time as Basic Step, the Body Blasts, and the Hardcores. I would also consider buying the Intensities if they would fill up holes in my collection, but I don't think I want anything older.

Please help me design a rotation that will help me improve my fitness level in the next 6 weeks!

Thanks so much!

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