Need rotation help


I am looking for a rotation, I'm just not sure how to use all the tapes i have. I want to use them all(I think it feels like a waste to not). But I am getting so many that I don't know how to use them anymore. There are just to many choices I am completely overwhelmed. I run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday rest on Sunday and want to keep that the same. I have Cathes, Firms, FitPrimes, and Tracie Long Production. Just not sure if I keep all my Cathes together, etc. or if I can mix and match all the different tapes I have. And I'm not sure how to build a rotation. My goals are to lose weight around my middle and trim down my upper legs. Then later I need to work on the strength in my upper arms. I hope someone has some ideas. Let me know if I should post this somewhere else. Not sure where the best place to post was.

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