Need opinions on the iPhone


Does anyone here have an iPhone? I am a happy at&t customer, and I am eligible for an upgrade, and seriously considering investing in this phone. But i'd like to hear some reviews...

What do you like? Dislike? The two concerns that I have are a) battery life and b) durability. There has been some discussion about the battery life not being very long. Also, I have a small child who is fascinated by cell phones and the likelihood of him getting ahold on my phone is pretty good. I know the phone is going to get dropped, and I want to know it is not going to break if dropped.

Thanks in advance for your opinions!!
I would loooooove to have an iPhone! If you have the opportunity to get one, I say go for it! Unfortunately, AT&T doesn't have great service where I live - this is a very Verizon-centric area.

I can't give feedback specifically on the iPhone, but I do have an iPod Touch, which is, for all intents and purposes, an iPhone without the phone. ;) Battery life has never been a problem for me, but then I have it hooked up to my car stereo on a nearly daily basis, and that keeps it charged. It seems to be pretty durable, but I would definitely recommend some kind of case/protector for it because the pretty, shiny metal case is easily scratched. I have a hard, clear, snap-on protector on mine that works very well. A clear screen-protector is also a must have.

Now, if you are open to other suggestions, I will say that I have a Blackberry Pearl and LOVE IT. It's VERY durable (I drop it all.the.time - I'm such a klutz) and while it's no iPhone as far as elegance is concerned, it gets the job done. Just something else to consider... :)
My husband and Stepdaughter both have them and LOVE them. We stood in line for three hours to get the new one. It does everything phone, text, email ,ipod. They even downloaded a translation site for Spanish. They have had no problems with them. My only problem is with the ATT phone service. I'm always getting dropped or my husband is in a dead zone. He runs a catering business and wouldn't be without one. If you have any questions I'll try and answer them. An iphone is amazing!
I have the original iphone. i am quite pleased with it. The new iphone is less expensive to buy but more expensive on a mothly basis. I would still go for the new one if I did not already have the original.

The original is not too fragile, but I would keep it away form a small child. FYI I would compare the monthly cost of that the blackberry to the iPhone .
one of my favorite things I own

I LOVE LOVE my iphone!!! :D:D:D

This was one of my favorite all time purchases. I've dropped it a couple of times with no damage. I haven't noticed any issues the battery life, but I keep it on a charging base. I bought the original the 1st month it was out and still have it, works great - never had a problem.
Thanks so much ladies!! I reeeeaaaallllllly want one, and DH says I can have it. I just want to be sure before I take the plunge!!
I'd say if you really want one then go for it! I love mine! It started to give me some problems a couple of months ago but Apple replaced it free of charge. My only complaint isn't in the phone itself but with AT&T. For some reason my house is in a dead zone so I have no cell phone service when I'm at home. It can be a real problem sometimes.


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