Need New Weight Set - Help!!!!!


Hi everyone. I am looking for a new wt. set system. Since I started the S&H series this week I have determined I need some heavier wts. I figure I might as well get a new system.

Can any of you pros point me in the right direction! I could use a rack as well. I really don't know what to do. I work out in our family room and currently have most of my wts in the room. Some of them I keep in the office that is just around the corner from the family room (like my barbell, step etc.) However, I keep most the dumbbells in the family room since it is such a pain moving them back and forth. Since I ahve been working out w/Cathe I find I use so many more sizes etc. so I really don't know what to do!!!!!!!

What type of setup do you guys have???? Do any of you have those wts that you flip the little switch to add more? It isn't the powerblock... but something else?? I saw it in the fitness store a couple weeks ago. I would love to find a used one somewhere.

I guess my other choice is to just purchase dumbbells and then find a rack and keep it in the office. Maybe I shouldn't be so lazy and should just drag them int he family room each time. I wish I could find a wt rack that is wood with a door so you couldn't tell waht it is!!! Wouldn't that be nice.

So.... I guess my question is..... where is the best place to get wts, wt racks or systems??? If I decide to just do dumbbells I'll probably get them at play it again sports as they're only .50 a lb! HOwever, I would love to get the chrome dumbbells and can't find them for cheap anywhere!

I so appreciate any help you wonderful fitness pros can provide!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-02 AT 06:20AM (Est)[/font][p]I think this is what you need. I would love to own a set of Hampton weights and love their rack, it's so space efficient - perfect for my flat. I can't afford it at the moment though.

I am sending you this link so you know what it looks like. See if you can find it cheaper elsewhere.


Oooooooooooppppps. Forgot link.
Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh, I want that dumbbell rack - and all the dumbbells to go with it! (Shame money doesn't grow on trees!)
I got my Keys weight rack at Play It Again Sports. It was some deal where you pay for the dumbells by weight and get the rack free. I think total cost was between $150 and 175.00. BUT I got 3,5,8,10,12,15,20,25,30,35, and 40 lb dumbells and the rack!! I thought that was quite the deal!! Remember, it is a one time investment!

Yeah... if you find that money tree please send me some seeds:)

That rack is sooooo cool but way too expensive for me :-(

Thanks so much for your great advice! I went and loaded up on dumbbells today. I got them at Galyans and got the hex metal ones. They were only 43 cents a lb which was cheaper than the play it again sports in my area that was 50 cents a lb. But now that I see your post about the free rack I might have to check into it:) I really do need a rack to put em' all on:)

I am soooo excited to have more weights. I have already had great results from S&H. I can only imagine how good it will be once I increase my weight. I can't believe how I am already getting more muscle in my leg from just 2 times???? Hmmmmmm things don't usually work in my favor this way. Gotta love Cathe don't ya:)

Thanks sooooo much for your help and advice :-jumpy

Yeah... if you find that money tree please send me some seeds:)

That rack is sooooo cool but way too expensive for me :-(

Thanks so much for your great advice! I went and loaded up on dumbbells today. I got them at Galyans and got the hex metal ones. They were only 43 cents a lb which was cheaper than the play it again sports in my area that was 50 cents a lb. But now that I see your post about the free rack I might have to check into it:) I really do need a rack to put em' all on:)

I am soooo excited to have more weights. I have already had great results from S&H. I can only imagine how good it will be once I increase my weight. I can't believe how I am already getting more muscle in my leg from just 2 times???? Hmmmmmm things don't usually work in my favor this way. Gotta love Cathe don't ya:)

Thanks sooooo much for your help and advice :-jumpy

Hey Pam,

I can't answer your question about racks or systems but....

do you have a sports authority or #####'s sporting goods? You mentioned that Play it again sports sells their dumbbells for just .50/pound. Both sports authority & #####'s sell their dumbbells for .48 by me. And I've caught them at .39 when they are on sale.

Ok, call me stupid, but what is up with the ##### symbols?? Is this to disguise the name of the store?? Thought it could not possibly be the name of the store. What is with the disguise??


Ha! You are not stupid. Cathe's site screens "bad" words!!! The word blacked out is "D-I-C-K-S", as In D!ck's Sporting Good's! Hope that explains your confusion! ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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