Need new stability ball- suggestions wanted!


My silver 55cm Resist-a-ball got broken last night (Thanksgiving day) by a guest child. They were tossing it (oops!)

Anyway, no one got hurt. The ball was fine the way it was but now that I have to replace it (the dad gave me 30 bucks to replace it) do you all suggest I replace it with something different?

The same exact one would be fine. Or, are there "better" ones out there? I have looked at Spri products, and some of the other colors are interesting. I'm a certified personal trainer so I might want one that's a little stronger this time. I may take it over to someone's house some time. Then again, maybe not, but the super-strong ones don't cost a whole lot more. Are the super strong ones the same texture and everything?

I live in a good shopping area, so would it be cheaper or better to get it in person? We have stores like "The Relax-the-Back Store," Copeland's, Dick's Sporting Goods and Big 5.

My room is off-white and the silver looked nice. I can't help wanting to get a different color, though, because of the novelty factor.

Suggestions welcome!
I have the same question. My kids have been playing around with mine (a Gaiam) and it recently started leaking, so I'm gonna need a new one before the BB's arrive. Since Cathe uses it as a weight bench in these, I'd like to get a real substantial one. Any recommendations?
Hi there!
I purchased a Thera-Band stability ball (red, 55cm) a few months ago from Fitness Wholesale and it's great. It's firm but not too hard - medium hard. They sell a slow deflate one but I opted for the regular one as the other was really hard. It would've killed my ribs going prone onto it! I was able to compare them as I live near the warehouse. They are online at I don't think they sell them in stores but FW sells them without the box so shipping is cheaper. Hope this helps! Diana (also certified fitness pro!)
My Giaim stability ball leaks as well! And I don't even have kids that play with it, just me ;)

Also, how do you figure out what size to get for your height? I am 5'8...

I recommend my daughter's "bouncy ball" called Hop!55. It has a handle and you're supposed to sit on it and jump. It works just great as a stability ball (that's what I've been using), the handle is easy to get around. It's kid-proof and Cathe proof. My daughter could teach Cathe some great moves, you should see what she does with it LOL! It's red, 55cm, made in Italy and you can find it at upscale toy-stores. Here's a picture I found doing a google search for Hop!55
The vinyl is so thick, I can't imagine it could burst or leak.

Thank you all for your replies!

I see some variety in prices nd types on line. There's an orange one, 53 cm Gymnastik ball at Bodytrends that looks cool. I see Resist-a-ball for 35 bucks there. TheraBand balls are only 13 dollars at FW on line.

Are Resist-a-balls more durable? I don't want a harder ball- my Resist-a-ball was almost uncomfortable doing that stretch (in C&W?) where you lie prone on the ball. It felt like my aorta, or that large blood vessel that goes down the trunk, was being pressed on. Maybe my 55 cm ball was a tad too big for me and the 53 cm Gymnastic ball (orange!) would be just right?

If I knew the Gymnastik one would not be too flimsy, I'd get it. $19.99 plus shipping totaled about 27 bucks. Does anyone have one of those?

Theraband ball, no box, only 13 dollars, could not tell how much shipping would cost.

I think right now I'm buying this ball for me. I can get ones for future clients in the future.

Oh, the choices!
Hi, Connie, I think you should be fine with any of those choices. Under ordinary circumstances, the balls are very durable. I have had 4 but it wasn't the fault of the ball that they didn't last. Rather, a small boy who refuses to get that they are equipment and mine! Three of them were the Gaiam balls, including my new one. It's funny because I broke down and bought the 4th ball and it was not popped but my daughter lost the plug before I ever inflated it. Shari was kind enough to send me her spare and I inflated and plugged the ball. The next day I found the ball in Sam's room, the little stinker.

I know the Gaiam kits are about $29.00 at the store. So $19.99 online is a better price even with shipping and handling! It comes with a pump and a tape. I also so a SB at Walmart for $10.00. Good luch and have fun deciding!
I recommend the Gymnic Plus which is the one I have. My gym also uses this one. It is burst resistant, and is great quality.
Hi Connie,

I really like the Power Systems ball. It's the same one Cathe uses in the BB series.

I finally decided to get the Fitball from a site called Nefitco. They are made by Gymnic Plus, and are burst resistant. I was able to choose a color, and I got black.

Power systems had only red, and if I could have gotten an orange one like Cathe uses, I would have. Some of the sites didn't even tell you what color you were getting. What's up with that?:*

I found a lot that I liked and I decided that some day I'll get another one, a different size and color. That thought ought to satisfy me for a bit!

Thanks for the great suggestions!

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