Need journal recommendation...


New Member
Can anyone recommend a good journal for keeping track of food and exercise (cardio and weights)? Thanks!
I got one

I got one by Lifeminders off of They have a few there. The one I got is more for diet (there's a spot for exercise too). You can record meals, snacks, water, how much nutrients you're getting, if you met your goals. It also has a place up front to write goals and measurements. I wish it had a larger place to write notes about what you did wrong, right, etc. It's ok, about $15, but I'd like it to be more "exciting" if you know what I mean- it's kinda boring. I don't use it much. They had another one I wish I got, so check there.
I took Bobbi's suggestion of the Fitday website, and it is an excellent one!

I started up the online journal, I entered all the foods I ate today, and could not believe the calories I ate! I was shocked to say the least. I also could not believe the high percentage of fat I ate. This is a real eye opener for me, I found the online system helpful, because it does all the 'figures' for you.

I have tried keeping a food journal by 'hand' several times, but end up giving up because of the time it takes to figure everything out. The online one is great.

Thanks for referring this great website Bobbi.
Tape recorder?

On Oprah yesterday, a woman said that carrying/writing in a food journal was inconvenient for her. So she carried around a little tape recorder and said what she was eating and why. Then, at night, she listened to the tape to figure out what her weaknesses were, what types of situations she was in when she ate, how she felt, etc.

It sounded like a neat idea, but it might be time consuming and inconvenient to listen to it at night. Plus, you'd have to figure out what to do when you're eating in public, like at restaurants, the mall, work, etc.

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