Need Help.....


Hi everyone.
I often come here to get cheered up when feeling down. I was hoping you guys could give me some thoughts on drinking alcohol and if it is my worst enemy while trying to lose weight. I have been doing step tapes 2-5 times a week for 2 months. I have cleaned up my eating a little. I thought I would lose a few pounds but have not. I feel like I have lost inches - not much though. I am trying to figure out why and I think it is because I drink. Some weeks I may have 4-6 over a weekend and some weeks 2-3 an night for 4 nights. I do try to eat less when I drink. Could this be a bigger culprint than I realize. All my friends drink - not much to do around town. Next week I will start adding weight training 2 days a week. I am aiming for 4 fruits and 4 veggies a day. I'm 5'2 and 150. Most people wouldn't think 150. I have muscular legs (I think) covered with fat (pear shape). I think I have realistic goal of 125-130. The 150 will not budge..... I would love some words of wisdom.
Thanks in advance,
Alcohol does have quite a few calories. For each gram of alcohol you consume, it has 7 calories. That is almost as much as a gram of fat, which has 9. So that may well be your downfall. Try cutting down of the alcohol, like no more than 2 a night.

The weight training will also help by gaining muscle that durns more calories. How much cardio work are you doing? That's importaint to by burning the fat you already have.
Let us know how you're doing.
Drinking 2-3 glasses a night a few nights a week is a lot of alcohol for someone that's trying to lose weight. Alcohol is a lot of empty calories. Try cutting your consumption down to just weekends. It can make all the difference in the world!

I have been doing 3-5 days of cardio. Cathe's tapes. I do the whole hour and I am usually really soaked. You would think that something that is so important to me I could get this accomplished but it has been frustrating not being able to figure out what my body wants. One summer a friend and I walked 1 hour every night. I didn't lose one pound. Maybe weight training is the answer. Thanks for the thoughts ladies. I really appreciate it.......
Hi Tracy,

I have had alot of health problems and have found many ways to keep fit despite them. If you would like to e-mail me, I would be glad to offer any help I can. Or if you just want someone to talk to. My e-mail is [email protected] (lower case "L's")

Please let me know if I can be of help.
Hi Tracy,
Have you ever considered cross-training - substituting or adding some additional activities besides step? You could try kickboxing, hi-lo, cycling, walking, running, skating, etc. - this could help break your plateau if you are only doing step. Also, I think the weight training will help a lot.
As for the alcohol, I'm not a drinker but I remember reading that if you are consuming too many calories from alcoholic drinks that you should try to drink a glass of water in between drinks and that will cut down on how much alcohol you are consuming. Don't know if that will help or not.
Take care!
I'm going to suggest keeping a food diary for a few days to get a handle not only on your drinking, but your eating as well. As you know (just read the nutition label on a beer can), alcohol is high in calories, as is regular pop (soda). It's an eye-opener!
Hey Tracy! Sounds from your first post that you are on a major plateau. You say you have been doing tapes for two months. So does that mean youve only been working out for two months?? Also, you say you do cardio 2-5 times per week. There is a MAJOR difference between2x/wk and 5x/wk. consistencey counts big time. If youve only been working out for two months, you may not have given you body a chance to "adjust". And as others here have said the alcohol aint helpin ya. Try to cut back, or give up at least temporarily and see if that doesnt do the trick. Youd be amazed how many calories that can cut out. I also think you shouldnt give up food to compensate for drinking. Thats not healthy (but you didnt need me to tell you that). dont give up!! Judy

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