Need Help with Building DVD Library!


OK, if you have seen some of my posts, you will know I am overthinking a lot of this stuff but I could really use some help here! I am new to working out at home and would like to build my Cathe DVD library for cardio only. I have used the Ultimate Guide a bit as a reference, but that is not the most help for me, seeing that it is based on intensity and not on the complexity of the moves. So, here's my deal and I would welcome any and all suggestions:

I currently have Low Impact Step, learnd those moves in 2-3 workouts. I watched and did Imax 2 on FitTV and found that a bit complicated, and last night I did Low Max, and learned the 1st 3 intervals (tough but doable). So, I would like to know what DVD's might make sense for me to buy and expand with. While I find LoMax tough choreography wise, I don't want to go with a DVD that is too easy, as I might become bored too quickly (I have heard that Cardio Hits and the Classics are a bit easier, but maybe too easy?). Is there much in between Low Impact Step and LoMax?

Do many of you find that, if you have bought several of Cathe's DVD's, that once you master the more difficult ones, you don't go back and use the easier ones?

I will attempt LoMax again this morning, but really need to find the slow motion button on my DVD to break these moves down. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Hi, Cass:

I have most of the cardio workouts. If you are looking to learn step, I would strongly suggest Cardio Hits, although only if you don't care what they're wearing (poor Cathe is probably haunted by the choice of butt floss, lol). The workouts are easier *only* in the sense that she breaks the more complex moves down into more manageable chunks - this is Cathe, so the workouts themselves are INTENSE! You will get your butt kicked. Step Works is ranked one of the most intense, I think, and that's on this DVD (along with PowerMax - my personal fave - and StepFit, which is fun, too).

I have the Classics, too, but haven't really gotten into those for some reason. I suspect I will when I am looking to do something different.

Are you looking for non-step cardio, too?

Good luck!
>Hi, Cass:
>I have most of the cardio workouts. If you are looking to
>learn step, I would strongly suggest Cardio Hits, although
>only if you don't care what they're wearing (poor Cathe is
>probably haunted by the choice of butt floss, lol). The
>workouts are easier *only* in the sense that she breaks the
>more complex moves down into more manageable chunks - this is
>Cathe, so the workouts themselves are INTENSE! You will get
>your butt kicked. Step Works is ranked one of the most
>intense, I think, and that's on this DVD (along with PowerMax
>- my personal fave - and StepFit, which is fun, too).
>I have the Classics, too, but haven't really gotten into those
>for some reason. I suspect I will when I am looking to do
>something different.
>Are you looking for non-step cardio, too?
>Good luck!

OK, Maybe I will bite the bullet and order Cardio Hits. So it has more than one w/o on it? It seems to take forever to get these DVD's sent from the website! Do you know if they can be bought in stores?

I may be looking for some ono-step stuff, too? What do you suggest?


Also, how would you compare the w/o's on Cardio Hits to Low Impact Step, only as far as complexity of the choreogrqaphy? That would help me out a great deal. Seems not many people are familiar with Low Impact Step.

Cass, yes, Cardio Hits is three workouts. The Classics is three workouts as well. You can find complete descriptions on the ordering pages. And I think some of Cathe's workouts are available from Collage, but it's really easier to get them from here. I don't know where you're located, but I get stuff in a day or two.

Non-step workouts depends on what you like to do - kickboxing? hi-lo?

ETA: The choreography is definitely more complex than LIS. After doing these workouts a few times, I had no problem moving onto Step Blast, Rhythmic Step, and the IMAXes.

>>After doing these workouts a few times, I had no problem
>moving onto Step Blast, Rhythmic Step, and the IMAXes.

Sorry, but after doing which workouts? The ones in Cardio Hits?

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