Need help from those familiar with The Firm.


I'm new to Cathe and am overwhelmed by all the video choices. I've worked out to The Firm for years and years. For those familiar with The Firm workouts my all-time favorites are the older ones - #1, #3, Super Sculpting, Bust & Butt and Better Body & Buns. I also like FitPrime's Crunch Time, Floor Burn and David Kirsch's video's - especially Boot Camp. If anyone is familiar with these, would you help me choose some Cathe Videos you think I would like? I've never been a big fan of step workouts, although I like how they are used in the videos I've listed. I like to push myself, but I'm not a fan of dancy or complicated aerobic choreography. (I'm way to uncoordinated) I tend to lean towards the Stairmaster or Elliptical for my aerobic workouts. I REALLY want to firm up this butt - if that's possible. I received Gym Style Legs and Stretch Max today. After reading all the posts I know I’m going to want more. Please Help!
I've used the Firm, but prefer the "middle-aged" FIrms (those from around Tortoise/Hare to just before the switch to Goodtimes). I've also used Fitprime's (though HATED Floor Burn, which I had hoped would be another "Buns, Hips and Thighs" but which I found pretty useless). I also have two of David Kirsh's videos.

Of Cathe's workouts, I'd suggest Bootcamp (non-dancy, athletic cardio moves, alternating with weight work). For strength only, Supersets and Push/Pull is a nice DVD, especially if you like using the stability ball with weight work. Cardio and Weights combines..cardio and weights (duh!)...but the cardio is step, and if you don't like steop choreography, I wouldn't recommend it (it also comes on DVD with IMAX2, which you probably wouldn't like).

One of the High Step workouts (which are kind of similar to Boot Camp withh alternating cardio and weight segments) are two other possibilities, but I recommend HS Challenge from the HC series over HSTA, because the latter has some very sloppy music changes (someone literally turning a dial to speed up or slow down the music).

If you get FitTV, you can sometimes catch Boot Camp, Supersets and Push/Pull (I think) on there. And be sure to check out the video clip previews on this site, which can give you a better idea of what the workouts are like.
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

Thanks so much for the recommendations. I'm going to have to get used to all these abbreviations. No, I don't get FitTV, but I'm going to look into it. When is Cathe normally on? I'm in the central time zone. Do you really notice a significant difference in your results with Cathe's tapes? Is it really worth the investment? I have so many tapes it's ridiculous (as I'm sure most people on this board do). But, I don't mind purchasing more if they're worth it.

(I liked Floor Burn for those days when I felt like an easier workout or I would use it in addition to other workouts.)
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

An oldie but goodie - Bodymax. The "PowerHour+" DVD comes with BodyMax, MIS and of course, PourHour. This DVD is a compilation of the best of Cathe IMO.
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm


This is a question, I belive, only you can answer. You know your fitness level,you know what you like. You can decide by going to the DVD section and view a few clips. Read what they say and go for it. I went for the basic as this is my first door opening to her. I've just been her 2 weeks and love it. The reason I give this advice is because I've been where you are. I know how frustrating it can be looking at it all wondering, where do I go. Take some time, put checks next to the ones you think you will like and then narrow it down. You'll know better why you chose what you did and you won't regret it.

this might also help. Go to the forum under DVD rotations, I think. it says, the results are in!!! it has a nice little list of *some* of her DVD's and CD's by consumers with gradings. These are not Cathe's gradings, they were done by people on the forum but may give you more direction, guidance. If you can't find it, PM or em me and I will get you the link, pronto.

Enjoy your new home.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

For some reason I'm unable to view the clips. Maybe because I'm on a Mac in a PC world?
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

ah man, I didn't know everyone couldn't see them. Boy, that's not cool.

The ones at collage aren't as clear as they are here but you might want to try to put in a search by auther on the collage and see which do come up.

So you don't have the media player? Just in case, that's a free d/l.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

Tybody, I do have media player and it still doesn't work. This is the message I receive when trying to open.

Safari can't open the specified address:
Safari can’t open “mms://” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “mms:”.

I did look at some on collage, however, they don't come close to carrying everything.
RE: Kathryn/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

okay. I went and checked. There are appears to be 2 players for the Mac.

I found Player 9 for Mac os X
and Player 7.1 for OS x Mac os 8.1 - OS 9.x

Now I don't have a Mac so I don't know if this is a help.

If this does not, post a question on the open discusion for *Any Macers out there able to view video clips.*

Maybe that will get you closer.

Just a thought.
Working towards Perpetual Motion:-(
RE: tybody/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

You are a sweetheart! I will check my version. Thank you.
RE: tybody/ Need help from those familiar with The Firm

I loved the first Firm Series that intoduced the fanny lifter. Once I needed a greater challenge I bought the Intensity Series. These workouts might suit you but not all are part of Intensity Series:

Muscle Endurance (it's like Body Sculpt with Jen Carmen on the 1st series, only 3x as many leg presses). BOOT CAMP is on the Muscle Endurance dvd and you should like Boot Camp, too.

Another good one is High Step Challenge Advanced(HSTA), this one is cardio then weights, cardio then weights, cardio then weights...much like 1st Series Cardio Sculpt with Allie. High Step Challenge from Hardcore is similar but I cannot vote yet, I will do that one for the 1st time tomorrow.

I am not crazy about Cardio with Weights and you may not be either if you don't like step aerobics. The cardio is step but I don't like it because the weight segments are mostly upper body and lower body doesn't get the attention I like.

I do mainly Cathe, but prior to that I did the firm workouts for over ten years. For the butt, which I almost didn't have any and wanted to lift it up. After many trials and errors I found a tape call Killer Butt with Dolores Munoz is made by Trainer's Edge and it really works is a lower body work out, legs, hips, thighs and butt. It is sold by Collage and I also like the Lotter Berk High Round Assets but Killer Butt really lifted my butt, some guy that I used to date ask me if I had a butt lift, he said yout butt looks round and tight. Of course it is, is all muscle! Also the legs section on Cathe's kick max is also good for the glutes. I hope this helps.

RE: Jadore / Need help from those familiar with The Firm.

Okay, I haven't even seen you and I want your butt! Tell me how you rotate your workouts.
I have High Round Assets and I like it a lot. I checked out Killer Butt and will order it on your recommendation. I will also check out the Kick Max. Have you done the Gym Style workouts? What about Pyramid Upper & Lower? Do I understand you correctly, that you started getting a lifted butt after you moved on from The Firm? I thought it was just me. I'm sure it has helped some but I still have some droop after many years, which is extremely frustrating.

I really appreciate your help and advice!
I'm fairly new, so I won't be much help, but I love David Kirsch's boot camp. Cathe has a bootcamp workout you'll probably like in her intensity series. I love it. It is the first one I purchased. The DVD also has Muscle ENdurance on it also which is good. I used to use the Firm and Fitprime for a long time, but now that I've found Cathe, I'm hooked. Kickmax also has a leg toning section in it and is a good kickboxing workout.
RE: Jadore / Need help from those familiar with The Firm.

I rented Killer Butt from Netflix to try it out, and the exercises are effective, but it is the most boring workout I've done for a long time. The workout itself is good, but the instructor is another story: Dolores incessantly counts the reps in a very annoying way. I couldn't bring myself to do it a second time before returning it.

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