Need Help from Educated Rotation Crowd


I am trying to pick a rotation to help with my - I am not sure what you call it - will try to explain:

I have 7 lbs to go to reach absolute goal. I need more definition in my legs and a flatter lower abdomen. I am at 22.3% body fat. I have upped my calories because I wasn't eating enough and nothing was coming off - I hope this isn't a mistake but it was suggested to me by a nutritionist. I used to eat 1200 to 1300 and am now at 1500 to 1700. I workout 5 to 6 days per week and take 3 kickbox classes a week in 2 hour sessions. The last 7 is being really stubborn. I eat by the Zone 40/30/30. I just did Cathe's Lean Out rotation - no change. I need some help picking a rotation. I also want to increase my cardio capacity and take about an inch from my thighs.

I have CTX, Body Blast, PS, Intensity Series, CK, PH, Slow and Heavy, Circuit Max, I have several Firms, almost all except for the classics and Upper and Lower Body Split. Can one of you help me with a rotation?

Any ideas? Is this too much to ask?
Well, I may have solved my problem - with the help of a fitness person I have developed a new workout plan, it is similar to the Look Great in 8, it is called micro-periodization. You do three days of cardio and 3 days of weights. For the cardio each week you do one interval, one intense cardio and a low impact. For weight training you do your weeks like this: a circuit week, a heavy weight low rep week, a high rep light weight week, a pyramid week, a total body week, a push pull week, then you have a week of something totally different, running, jumping rope, callesthenics, pilates or yoga then start over. As long as you do a different type of lifting each week it keeps your body wondering what you are going to do next. Just thought I would share!
Hi Kathy, That sounds really interesting. When you will be starting your rotation as I maybe interested in joining you. I'm not saying for sure as I'm terrible about saying I'll do a rotation and then I decide on something else. Let me know when you're starting and which board you'll be having the checkin, if any.
Kelley - I started Sunday - I am checking in at the YaYa's on the Dork's thread - you are welcome to join us, they are a lot of fun. I didn't put a specific check in up, I just started but I have planned my weeks out through the whole thing and when I get home tonight I will send it to you. I started a bit slow because I had just finished the lean out rotation and was a bit tired - so far my week has looked like this: Circuit Week. Monday - Cardio Sculpt, Tuesday - Super Cardio, Wednesday - Bootcamp, Thursday - CSB and SBS, Friday - Power Circuit, Saturday - Kick, Punch and Crunch, Sunday - rest.

I am a bit sad because even Super Cardio is easy for me now and the other ones barely get my heart rate up there, I am going to have to do something different for cardio, I would do Cathe's step every day but I can't because my feet and knees get a bit sore if I don't give them some variety. I can run when it gets a little warmer. I love CK and KPC but I need to add some more intense floor cardios to my collection, any ideas on what I can get? I do have Powerstrike and they are OK.

Have a fantastic day!
Hey Daisy, I found my rotation in the Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine that I think ya'll are doing. I may join in. I know what you mean about the Firm cardio workouts. I did Maximum Cardio Burn earlier this week and barely felt anything. It was my favorite for a while. I wore my heart rate monitor and I was into the workout for a full 17 minutes before my heart rate finally stayed in my training zone. It would go up, but come back down as soon as we slowed down to pick up weights, etc. I never even got out of the 140 range at all and that was with me doing the whole section with the step and scoop at a higher impact. I have no other alternatives to give you as Cathe workouts are the only ones I'm doing now for cardio. Luckily my knees and feet are withholding the impact (fingers crossed) without problems. I just may visit you at the yas yas.
Ok - come visit! I think you are talking about the "Look Great in 8" rotation that was in MF Hers - I have done that and done well with it but I think this has even more options and you can do full workouts instead of piecing them together - come join us at anytime

So you are only doing Cathe step - I wish I could do it every day but I had a foot injury years ago and it still isn't completely up to par, it gets a bit crooked when it gets tired and gets sore which makes me walk funny which makes my knee sore and on up the line to my hip - I don't know why the step gets to it and floor cardio doesn't - anyway I guess I will find something! I am Annabelle43 on the Ya'Ya's and the check in is on the Check In and Challenges Thread under the "Dorks" hope to see you there. I am usually Annabelle 2 here but I wanted to post from work and didn't have my password so I am Daisy126 for today.

Sorry so wordy! Have a great day!
I was in the same boat as you! You did the right thing going to an expert in the nutrition department.

I'm following a version of the Happy New Rear rotation on the FIRMDIRECT forum.

I do the following:
Day 1 - Legs (Leaner Legs, Legs & Glutes, Standing Legs, etc. - I alternate between every leg routine that I have)
Day 2 - Cardio (Step, Kickbox, aerobics, running, rebounding)
Day 3 - Cardio & Weights (Bootcamp, Classic Firms, C&W, Step Pump & Jump)
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Legs
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest
Day 8 - Cardio + Weights
Day 9 - Cardio
Day 10 - Legs
Day 11 - Cardio
Day 12 - Cardio + Weights
Day 13 - Cardio
Day 14 - rest

Keep repeating. I've lost 4 lbs and my legs are leaner and more defined (without bulk) than ever. I also think it's because I've been eating clean (writing everything down). I'm 5'4" and eat about 1400-1800 calories a day.

Best wishes!!
This is wonderful - Thank you! I am going to try it as soon as I finish the one I am doing now - I am very excited!
I love CK and KPC but I need to
>add some more intense floor cardios to my collection, any
>ideas on what I can get? I do have Powerstrike and they are

Daisy, CIA 2305 Donna Read's Hi/Lo to the Max plus Athletic Jam is a cardio I've recently discovered. It has a good level of intensity.


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