NEED HELP creating a SUPER challenging workout!:)


New Member
NOTE: I recently posted this on another website board, just thought I would try to get some more great help here!!!!!

Hello all,
I am new to this board but not new to fitness at all! I have run cross-country and track for the past four years and I know what it means to truly work hard and work until you feel like dying! All even admit sometimes I have been known to over do it (summer conditioning I ran 70 plus miles a week, yikes!!) but I truly love working out and being in shape! However, I think for the years I ran so much I need to take a break mentally and physically. I might have run myself out. I would really like to start gaining some strenght and toning (something long distance running doesn't give you!). I still do really love intense cardio, but I can't afford to join a gym (to bike or step). My question is if anyone could help me design a plan that would use the most challenging program's out there and a hefty rotation (say, hypothetically, that money is not an issue...I figure to pay the flat price for a video rather than monthly for a gym, the money will go a long way considering tapes can be used over and over). I really want the hardest options out there...cardio, but, abs, arms, legs, you name it, I'll do it...hehehe!!! I am actually hoping to loose a couple of pounds (just some winter padding and definitely lower my body fat percentage (muscle but not bulky). I would actually perfer dvd's, considering I am off to college next year with a labtop (has a dvd player in it!) . I figure they will be more compatible with my new moving around lifestyle. Most videos are converting over to dvd anyhow, right? Well, any other info or advice I would LOVE to hear. I have taken numerous kickboxing classes, yoga, bootcamp classes, etc. and I love a challenge (actually, I was asked to teach a class once, kind of scary!!). Am I getting too excited about the benefits of video workouts, or will they really transform my physique???
Thanks a lot!
p.s. I did some searches and came up with not a whole lot, but has anyone done the Power90 program?? I saw an infomercial but not sure if its a scam....just curious? THanks
Sounds like Cathe's workouts are just what you need. There are recent threads on which of her workouts are the hardest, so I'll let others recommend specific ones. But don't waste your time on the Power 90 set. I got it for a change of pace and a quick workout that my preteens might even do with me. It's not that bad, but it's not good either. Once you try Cathe you will become spoiled and demanding like the rest of us, insisting on only the best workouts all the time. :)
These Cathe DVDs are pretty challenging:
Rythmic Step, MIC and IMax are all on one DVD (all cardio workouts)
Body Max, MIS, and Power Hour are all on one DVD (strength workouts, but Body Max has a heart thumping cardio section too!)
and the Slow & Heavy series is on DVD (strength workouts)

Almost any combination of the above should give you a real challenging workout. But I am a little worried about you. Don't over do it! Seventy miles a week is rather psychotic in my book - well, the amount of miles is crazy, I am not saying you are! Seriously, take it easy! How much room will you have to work out in? Is it a dorm room, or a bigger area? Take care of yourself. And welcome!

i think if i were you i would wait until I got to college to see what my set up was.

I am a college instructor and where i teach, we have a comprehensive program of exercise classes that spoil us all, also use of all college gym facilities and swimming pools, tracks, etc is completely free. You may find that the same applies when you get to your college. You could find out ahead of time through visiting the college's web site, I am sure.

Secondly, a college dorm is not luxury accommodation and there may be no room for working out in them. Also, you will have thin walls and neighbours to worry about disturbing. Supe challenging often means super pounding.

Also, strive for variety: super challenging all the time can lead you straight to injury. And that really tries your patience.

So, while patience sounds like it might be difficult for you to exercise right now, I would definitely recommend it until you get to college and see what the options are, many of which could be low cost if not free, with maybe some really innovative options on offer!


You people have given such great advice! yeah I know, my mum worries about me from time to time as well. Don't worry though, I've been to the doc just recently and everything is a-okay, in fact she said I very healthy to say the least. I really just love working out (must be the endomorphines!!!:) Seriously though, I like a challenge and I would like to start investing in exercise videos since they seem to be the best economically in the long run. SO if there is any other advice anyone wants to share I would love to hear it. THanks a lot!
btw, next year I am actually not living in a dorm, I am sharing a house with a lot of people...I am pretty excited!

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