need encoragement


Active Member
hello all, i have not posted for sometime. i have not worked out for about 21/2 months because life was occurring. i moved into a new house ( actually combining 2 households ) and am finally all organized and ready to go. i know what i need to do but am feeling a little overwhelmed because i am the type that wants to do it all now and be able to jump back into my routine like i just did it yesterday. i had reached some level of accomplishment but feel i have lost most of it at this point. i need a starting point....thanks in advance.
Hi Ideangelo!

Boy, I can totally relate to what you're saying. We moved about four months ago and it threw me into a total tailspin. I didn't work out for over three months. I was SOOOO discouraged when I started working out again. I couldn't believe how much stamina and strength I had lost during that amount of time!

On the upside, it only took me a month to get back to where I was...cardio and strengthwise. It is discouraging at first, but you'll be surprised how quickly things progress for you. Good luck!!!:D


I too can relate to that feeling of "wanting to do it all right now." That's how I feel after an extended haitus from exercise... I just want to pick up where I left off. On the upside, it probably seems much worse than it actually is. You may feel like you've lost so much strength and stamina but it will be back before you know it. For me, the motivation to get back into exercise is that once I do it, I don't go through each day beating myself up for not having worked out... as hard as it is to put that first tape or dvd in after a long vacation, the feeling afterward is worth it! And it only gets easier. Good luck and you'll be back in top form in no time! ;-)
Good For You for even Thinking of re-starting!!
You will be Soooo Happy once you get in even a week's worth....once you get back to it, you can get Joy from it--by Realizing: "I can DO this!!!" Your body will be your motivation.
Good for you for posting! The hardest part about getting back into is is just starting. So just start, and keep at it, and things WILL fall back into place. Just start slowly and respect your body and what it says to you :).
That feeling of wanting to do everything at once? Newsflash: That feeling does not go away, at least not for me! To the contrary for me, actually. It seems like the more I do, the more I WANT to do...So take heart!!!
Keep on moving! ;)
I think for all of us each and every workout is like starting all over again. I'm still as nervous as you-know-what each morning when I put on my running shoes for a workout (especially LEGS!!). Can I do it? Do I really want to do it? Wouldn't I be a lot more comfortable lying in bed with a cat on my head cutting off my oxygen?

Fifteen minutes later: "I feel like crap. Having a cat on my head is boring and I could be three-quarters thru that last set of static lunges by now. Ahh, lunges even sound good to me right now. Heck, even vacuuming sounds good now!"

With each workout, there is a beginning, middle and end section. I know, I know -- you're going "Well . . .duh!". Well, we're all in the same boat in the beginning, whether we've worked out for years or whether we're novices. We all have to get through that beginning, middle and end that lasts 45 minutes to an hour, and survive. It doesn't matter that you worked out yesterday and the day before, you've got to start all over again at the beginning. It's work, darn it, and it's hard work, but it's work to take pride in. And it feels SOOOO good to finish knowing you did your personal best.

It's one day at a time, it's one workout at a time.

Just say to yourself "You can do it! You can do it". Put that toe in the water and see how it feels. Promise yourself to do just 15 minutes of a video -- the longer you're up there, the more you belong up there. Before you know it, you'll be in the middle, and then the end is just a foregone conclusion.

Well, that's it. Gospel according the Patricia. Now if only somebody could just take this bluddy cat off my head!

Patricia (Catricia)
hi everyone, thanks for your messages! i worked out last night and all is well. bt the way i am now lisad as opposed to ldeangelo because when i moved i got a new email address and had to change my user name. anyways, i am back and happy to be!! i think i will order the new ab hits video. thanks again!!

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