Need crosstrainers recomendation!!


Active Member
I need to get new crosstrainers, or any other type shoe you all might recommend? I tend to lean toward crosstrainers, because I am low on cash, and need to wear the same shoes for aerobics and weights (like the added support for balance from crosstrainers), but I haven't tried "pure aerobics" shoes since the '80's (think the Avia's from the Firm) so if aerobics shoes would also work for strength training (i.e. Cathe and The Firm)I would appreciate any suggestions for either type of shoe!

Thanks in Advance!

I had a pair of Nike crosstrainers a few years back and thought they were the most UNcomfortable shoe I ever owned. I will never get another pair of crosstrainers again. I wear the same shoe (Whatever it is! No doubt whatever was on sale but was still cushiony.) for both aerobics and lifting and have never had any problems. But I've also never had any problems with my ankles at all. Good luck. Jeanne
Don't ask me why I do this, but I have two pairs of for aerobics and the other for weightlifting.

I use New Balance for weights and Rykas for aerobics. These are my first pair of Rykas, and I love them!

You've got to check out All their Avia shoes are $19.99. That includes cross-trainers and floor aerobics shoes. Avia aerobics shoes are among the best as far as cushioning goes. I agree with Terri that it's good to use your shoes for what they are specifically designed. I use my runners for running, a cross-trainer for strength work and an aerobics shoe for hi-lo and step. Check out outlets and stores like Big Five. It's possible to get great shoes-older models and discontinued shoes-for a fraction of the cost!
Thanks all for your replies! Terri which model of Rykas do you use? Ryka seems to be recommended alot for aerobics! So do you all think I should invest in a good pair of cross trainers too for weights? If so which kind?

Thanks again!

I own a pair of Addidas crosstrainers that I absolutely love...they are widebased and rather big but they are really stable and feel very good. I use them solely for lifting and still haven't had the heart to replace them. If I need to I will get another pair of Addidas...Nike's look good but are not as comfy.
>Don't ask me why I do
>this, but I have two
>pairs of for aerobics
>and the other for weightlifting.

Do you ever do cardio/sculpt vids, such as Firm classics (just as an example)? If so, which type of shoe would you wear?? That is my main concern, I think my old crosstrainers still hold up pretty well as far as strength training goes, but the cushioning and support is just not there for aerobics - any suggestions? (other than constantly changing my shoes =) have enough trouble quickly changing equipment ;))


I was a devoted AVIA girl for years. I started wearing Ryka last summer when I couldn't find any avia in my size. I really like the ryka. I wear my newest pair for aerobics, and then I switch to an older pair when all I'm doing is lifting or hanging out in the gym.

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