Need another weight workout!


Help me out here! I already have ME and MM and love them both. However, those are the only two weight workouts I have, and I'd like more workouts to mix things up. I've looked at the clips for PUB/PLB, Supersets, and PowerHour. There is also the Gym Styles, and Slow and Heavy Series. I really can't decide what I should order next. Anybody have any thoughts?
I love them all! It depends on if you like doing total body workouts or one body part per day. I do a different rotation each month. One month all do total body endurance. Next month all do one body part a day using the gym styles and slow and heavy. As Cathe says it's always good to switch up your routine it keeps you muscles guessing, they dont know whats coming and thats a very good thing!
I really like the pyramid workouts. Cathe has lots of good weight workouts and you'd benefit from any, but since you only have the 2 you mentioned my recommendation is PUB/PLB. :)
Of the ones you mentioned you're interested in, my favorites are Slow and Heavy and Gym Styles. Slow and Heavy is great for when you encounter plateus, and because you're lifting at such a slow pace you can really focus on your form. Gym Styles gives me the best definition. Because there's so many reps in this one, and she lifts rather heavy, I find it to be the most demanding.

A lot of people love the Pyramids, but I find it much too repetitive. Power Hour is tough, but I consider it a veggie workout. I like ME better than PH.
I prefer Gym Styles the best followed by the Pyramids. Slow & Heavy is good for breaking plataeus if you are looking for that. Power Hour to me is just so fun!!! But in a way similar to what you already have....hope this helps...:)
Since you've been doing total body workouts I would go to a two day split first: PUB/PLB then purchase the Gym Styles (three day split) then consider Slow & Heavy. THEN purchase the rest of Cathe's weight work at your leisure or as your pocket book allows b/c I have them all, do them all, and love them all!

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