Need advice


New Member
Hi Cathy,
I need an advice on where to start.

I’m 29 years old.
I’ve been tennis player till age 23, I’ve been working out a lot and I have been in really really good shape but then due to some reasons I quitted exercising. So it’s already 5 years I have not been physically active, I have gained extra 10kg and when I look at my body now I feel really sad.

So I would really appreciate your advice on which of the DVD to choose.

I want to get back in shape and feel confident and healthy again

Not Cathe here, but most of the people on the boards recommend Basic Step and Body Fusion as the one to begin your journey with Cathe with!! If you read the description of the DVD, it makes mention of that.

Welcome back to the world of exercising....and remember to have fun with it.

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