need advice on weight bar on shoulders


New Member
I hope I am posting in the right section. I have been doing the Cathy total body workout as that is the only dvd I have. I switched cable companys and I only requested the FIT TV and NFL channel and they don't even carry FIT TV! I used to record all her workouts on my dvr and I'm on a mission to collect some now. My question is while doing her leg workouts I have trouble putting the bar over head on to my shoulders/back. I can only do a few exercises and the bar starts killing my back and it feels it's digging into my spine. I have lightened the weight and that's not the problem but how do you prevent the bar from hurting. I want to be able to add more weight but I can't even handle the bar without weight as it is. any suggestion??

thank you
Some sporting goods stores carry "collars" for bars, or you could sub with dumbells (I do that often!)...

MJ in MN
wrap a towel around it

cheap fix. I used heavy tape and even sewn the towel on. Also, I bought a weighted vest so I can lift heavier and not have so much weight on the bar because I had a hard time lifting that much over my head.

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