Need advice on body type and Cathe tapes!


To anyone who can help me and especially Cathe!!!

I am 5'1.5, a size 4-6 on top (petite on top), a size 8 on bottom (got that blubbery butt and thunder thieghs), and weight 125. I do the firm weight training three days a week and cardio two days a week. I bought Circuit Max and when previewing it all I could do was stand there with my mouth wide open. So needless to say I sold that one. My cousin bought me Rythmic Step and I LOVE IT!!! I made it all the way throught the firt time around. Everytime it is a cardio day I cant help but reach for that one. So my problem is I want to slim down (long and lean) and get defined. I do not want to bulk up but get that defined look in my arms and slim down my legs, butt, and hips. There are so many Cathe weight tapes that I am confused what does what. Do I need the lighter wieghts with more reps tape or heavy weights? Could someone clarify this for me and help me decide what I need, remember I am a beginer Cathe.
I have had three kids in the past four years and losing the weight and toning up has been a B#$%#$%!!!!
Meghan 4
Nicholas 2
Dylan 10 months
I also have loose belling skin (can't tell with clothes on), does anyone know of something to tighten this without surgery? Just curious how so many people get their belly back tight after children, I know a lot has to do with genetics and skin elasticity.
Thanks for any advice or suggestions that ya'll may have!!!
Hi, Megbaby, it is nice to meet you. I cannot help you decide which Cathe videos are for you, since I am a Cathe beginner too and the only weight, Cathe video I have is Slow and Heavy.

Please visit this link:
You will find some tips that Bernard gave me for improving my skin.

BTW, you sound almost like me. I'm 5'1.5" too and weigh 125 pounds too. Only, I don't have wide hips. I have two daughters: Mariela 2 years and 9 months old, and Maria, 15 months old.
Hey I am definitely not Cathe - but I can give you some advice.

I have had ten children (28, 25, 18, 15, 13, 11, 9, 5, 4, 18mos.) ,so I know alot about pregnancy weight and extra skin on the belly area.

I am 46 years old I am 5' 5.5" tall and I weight 115 pounds. I attribute all that to aerobics and weight training.

I also love Rhythmic Step, but I would suggest upping your cardio to 5 times a week. Keeping your weight training to your three days aweek. I love Leaner Legs for the lower body and the Upper Body Split for the upper. I have seen a significant difference in upper and lower body definition since doing these tapes consistently.

Doing the cardio does burn the fat, that should help your abs. As for the skin, well, that does get better, it has for me, My stomach is flat after all the kids I have had. But I think the key to that is to losse the weight ASAP after the babies.

I was just wondering why you got rid of Circuit Max? That is a really good cardio and strength trainer - there are some people who use it just for cardio without the weights.

I'll put in my 2 cents too. I'm 5'1" and right now I weight 123, this is a struggle for me because usually I'm not over 110. However, I'm going to suggest BodyMax, but modified. It is an advanced tape, but it was my first Cathe tape and it's my all time favorite:)!!! When I started with Cathe, all I had was 3 and 5lb weights and my step with no risers! I've slowly progressed, in this one tape you'll get cardio, circuit, and strength. IMHO, it's the best! You'll definitely slim down and tone up. It's awesome!
Hi cmoroney!

I just read your response and I am totally in awe of you! Ten children and in great shape! Wow! How do you find the time? What rotations do you find give you the best results and when and for how long do you work out?
I cannot hardly believe your post. You have 10 KIDS and only weigh 115 lbs!! I have had 3 kids, work out EVERY day (cardio, weights and yoga) and I cannot seem to get rid of that loose belly skin. I am exactly your height but weigh 15 lbs more than you and my last baby is 3 mo's older than your last baby. How can you have 10 KIDS and work out every day? Don't get me wrong, I am IMPRESSED! You must be one highly motivated woman. You remind me of a post to Cathe recently titled "What planet are you from?" Read the post and you will see what I mean!

Since I have been working out since I was 18, it seems to be second nature to me.

I have 8 children at home, yet and I even home-school five of them. If I didn't work out I would never have the energy to do what I need to do.

My workout schedule is at 5:30A.M. which is when I do my cardio workout - which is either step, kickboxing or walking on my treadmill. I usually do that for 90 minutes, which includes stretching and the cooldown period.

I do my weight training in the evening when my husband is home, since he is usually watching sports on TV, he can keep an eye on the kids. I do alternate upper body one night and the lower body the next and I do take a day off with weght training.

for some reason my space ran out on here - cmoroney
Wow, I'm expecting my 6th child in a few months and haven't met many mothers of many on the fitness websites (there are a few of us though) -- fun to meet you! I do my workouts in the 5:30 realm too. I've been doing it for so many years that my children just know that's what I do and they don't try to take that time away from me.

I agree that it is indeed possible to get those abs back in shape. It's not a quick process by any means. It seems like for most women, the ab excess is the last to go. But it will go with effort and time. Make sure you get plenty of cardio (kickboxing is great for the abs), that you eat wisely, and that you work the lower abs with either ab work, pilates, or yoga (I rotate all three) and even work them throughout the day (zipping those abs while driving, sitting at the computer, standing -- whatever). Sounds like a lot of work, but the days will pass whether you do it or not. And you might as well be working towards your goal (this is what I'll be telling my poor abs in 2 months! :)) -- Renee
I am truly impressed. I have to ask you, many days per week do you workout? I am in my forties also, and I read in health magazine today that women in their forties should have two rest days per week. I usually have one and occaisionally two, but also play tennis or golf at least twice per week.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
YOU RULE! Now I can look up to someone other than Cathe! I have been working out almost daily since I was in my early 20's, I am now 39. I was a runner for years but had to start cross-training about 5 years ago which was the best thing I could do for my body. I work out during my son's naptime, I am lucky to have that luxury as the other two are at school. I am also very lucky to live in a wonderful small town with great schools so I don't have to home school. Happy working out!!

Angie Rogerson
Monroe, WI (voted one of the best 100 small towns in the US!!)
Hey Angie, just had to respond, I'm right above you in the Viroqua area of Wisconsin. I always wish there were other Cathe fans in my immediate area who could get together once in a while to chat or workout together just for fun. No one else seems to understand why I have this obsession with working out, especially in these small towns. Wish you were just a tad closer!!! :D

As for children and abs, I just had my fifth and my abs are hard and back to being flat, but there is still that loose skin near my bellybutton that I don't know what to do about. (and kind of stretchy type marks around the belly button). I too exercise around the 5:30 timeslot (we homeschool too). Cathe helps the weight come off for sure!!!!, but eat clean too!!!

I can't really offer any advice since I'm trying to figure it out too but just had to comment on your kids' names. I also have 3 and two of them are Dylan and Meghan! (My middle child is Karlie) Great minds think alike.... ha..... good luck!
I can't really offer any advice since I'm trying to figure it out too but just had to comment on your kids' names. I also have 3 and two of them are Dylan and Meghan! (My middle child is Karlie) Great minds think alike.... ha..... good luck!
>Hey Angie, just had to respond,
>I'm right above you in
>the Viroqua area of Wisconsin.

Wow, Briee you live just down the road from me. I live near Ontario (in the sticks). I just discovered Cathe 2 months ago but I have been a fitness addict for the past couple years. I have one daughter who is 3. I work out in the afternoon when my daughter naps or if she doesn't nap she doesn't mind watching me and sometimes joins in.

It's nice to know that I'm not alone out here. I hope you catch this thread.

There's a great article in the latest Muscle & Fitness Hers about getting your abs back in shape after childbirth. Might want to take a look.

Hey Maire, I'm going to email you, couldn't believe there is someone that close that actually has heard of Cathe, let alone works out. Our post master at the local Ontario post office does some exercise videos she said, but less intense ones. She does them on her lunch hour. Anyway, I'll email you.


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