Need Advice Francine!!!!!


HI there,
You seem to know so much about everything, so I figured I would ask you.
In the past 2-3 monthes. I have put on about 5 lbs:-( I use to workout religously EVERYDAY....sometimes twice a day.
I have a wedding to stand for in 3 weeks(isn't that always the case)and I don't even know if I fit into the dress right now b/c I didn't have alot of room in it anyway!
I started the July rotation today and I was going to put some extra cardio in there, on the days that I could.And try to follow a 1200 cal diet.I know that the weight gain came from picking at food. I have a habit of nibbling all the time(lately) and munching in the night time, when I am not hungry.
What is your take on this? Obviously I want to lose the weight that I have gained.(I can barely get any of my pants done up) and wouldn't mind losing a couple of extras.
I am starting to get somewhat annoyed with myself. I use to be so well desciplined and it seemed to come so natural.I use to know so much about fitness and what was healthy and what wasn't.Lately it seems like I have memory problems. I think part of it has came from the fact that I read to many magazines(junk).
I know it is all in my hands.I determine what I want to get out of this.It just seems like I have forgotten how.Can you help me????Or is there any hope left???:+
Hi Lori!

I sure hope Francine and any one else with great advice will respond. ALL of my jeans and shorts are tight in the waist! :x I don't understand it either. I don't have a big event coming up but I defintely would like to lose these few pounds that are hanging and increasing around my mid scetion! :eek: It's very frustrating. :(

I saw your post for the July rotation. I can't join, although I'd love to, but I'm trying to incorporate running into my weekly plans. But I may check in because I have a lot of focus on upper body - 3 workouts per week, 1 lower body, 1 cardio crosstrain, 2 running sessions and lots of lower body stretching.

I'll see you around!
:) Angie :)
3 weeks to go!

Hey Lori! 
  Don't give up on what you are doing!  Keep at it! We all know that there is no quick fix to looking good (especially)  for special occasions!  You want to feel good all the time! Make it a lifestyle choice! The only way to do this is to be consistent on your healthy eating , training smart, and getting proper rest! I know you are desperate and are unhappy with the 5 lbs you put on! BUT You have 3 weeks to go , so let's get it together, there's no time better than  "today" to start this "now"! (So if you already ate something bad, forget about it and make it a priority to eat better at your next meal!)
Firstly, these 3 weeks won't be a huge transformation physically, but mentally it will have you back on track! It will prove to you that you have the discipline, commitment, and the strong will to make the positive changes back in your life!
Don't beat yourself up on not being in touch lately with what is current or wrong in terms of your fitness and healthy eating decisions! You still have the knowledge, you just have to apply it! Now is the time!

Be Realistic about your Goals !
Respect your body and it's individuality!
Love the skin you are in and love yourself!

  It seems to me that you just fell of track, maybe you were burned out and need to get your MOTIVATION back! Not sure of the reason but It happened!Now it's time to take CHARGE!
Remember : Motivation gets you started, But A HABIT keeps you going!

My advice to you is to sit down, think about how bad you want this and make it happen! Set a goal for yourself and create a workout plan that will get you there! I recommend "cycling" your "calories" throughout the week along with "workouts" with (intermediate to high intensities) If you are not doing so now, I'd opt for the High intensity training route for maximum fat burning along with circuit training!

To lower your bodyfat!You want to expend more calories than you consume in order to safely lose 2 lbs a week. Cutting calories drastically won't give you better results! Eating small frequent meals will keep your blood sugar levels constant and prevent your body from going into fat storage mode! You want to Eat a variety of foods. Having a good balance of protein, the right fats, and some carbs at every meal. Eat foods high in fiber. Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar& sodium!
  It's also not just what you eat, it's WHEN you eat that is just as important! So try to fuel yourself properly by planning your meals ahead (if possible) If you work out in the am, I suggest eating more carbs at a higher % in the day(w/ your protein and fats) and as the day goes on lower your carb% and up your protein%(along w/ healthy fats) Eating more protein towards the night aids in the repair and rebuilding of your muscles throughout the nights sleep! If you workout in the pm then reverse it or adjust it to where you eat more carbs before your workout since they will be used for fuel right away!

You know what to do, you just have to apply it! Now you have" your" reason to get yourself together, this wedding will be your goal to jump start your engine! Take it one day at a time, do the best that you can, don't look back, & full speed straight ahead.
Keep your eyes on the horizon and stand tall!
BE Proud!
You will be glowing in your Dress!
Have Fun & Enjoy your journey!

I hope this helped convince you that you DO know what to do, you just needed to hear it (and read it for reassurannce;-)
Keep me posted, [email protected]
RE: 3 weeks to go!

THank you so much Francine!!!! I knew you would pull through! You are so knowlegdeable about this stuff.:7
It could very well be that I have suffered from burn out.In the past, if I didn't work out first thing in the morning, then I would be worried all day about when I was gonna workout.The day ended up being a stressful one b/c I only had one thing on my mind.I wanted to break that bad habit, which I did, but it seems as if I lost some important stuff on the way.
I think I am going to print your words of wisdom off and keep it in a place where I can see it all the time. I may leave it by my bed and read it in the morning.
When you talk about cycling my calories, you mean not eating the same amount of calories everyday? What calorie range should I stay in ? I am going to be following the JUly rotation, plus putting some extra cardio in there where I can.I am 5'4" and 131, right now. I use to weigh anywhere between 123-125.
I know that there is no quick fix but I just needed a kick in the pants to remind myself of where I wanna go.I don't have a lot of willpower either, until the motivation kicks in.
Thanks so much for thanking the time out of your busy schedule to cheer me on!:+ It is greatly appreciated.
RE: 3 weeks to go!

Hi Lori,

Francine shared excellent information about eating as this is where most people fail. Couple that with intensity of workouts and you will most likely get great results. I would place the focus on interval training for cardio, healthy eating, and strength training. I honestly feel that if people ate properly, they wouldn't need to place so much focus on longer durations of cardiovascular exercise for "fat burning". Plenty of fat is burned during shorter, more intense/less frequent workouts and strength training. But you know, I can't practice what I preach, so who am I to preach! :7

Also, ask yourself what you were doing different when you were between the 123-125 range. Were you eating less? Exercising more? For me, it is clearly my eating habits that are keeping the 6 lbs I gained since last summer on, not my exercise habits. I not only need to scale back calories, but select healthier foods. I still exercise a lot, but am not burning enough calories to create a deficit. And although I burn a lot of calories, I am truly a glutton when it comes to food.

I think what Francine is trying to say by cycling calories is to not focus on the caloric value of every morsel of food placed in your mouth but instead focus on eating smaller, more frequent rations containing a variety of healthy foods. You might find that one day you eat more, so be aware of that and cut back the next.

You can do it, Lori! And when you do, come back here and motivate me. :7
RE: 3 weeks to go!

See Roe, thats why we should do it together! It would be nice to have a pal, but not if your not ready.
I know exactly what I have to do.But sometimes I focus on the faster way.Silly stuff, like the 3 day diet and all those gimmicks.I am one who hates to wait.
I was eating less before and working out more.I know where I have went wrong. I have a habit of comming home and going right to the cupboard,doesn't matter if I am hungry or not.I will stand there and nibble on baked goods, chips and stuff.By standing there and doing this, like some starving gull,I am consuming ENORMOUS amounts of calories, and all bad ones.I also think that this is where my eating relationship with food as to change.I have to look at food as my friend and not the enemy.
It is a horrible habit I have created and I seriously don't have a clue where it came from.It has to stop.I have been doing good lately keeping it under control. I was away from home for 3 weeks, training for a new job , and there were no cupboards or fridges.I just ate my meals and that was it.Since I have came home I haven't been to bad.
I look at this habit the same as smoking, its that bad in my mind.
Thanks for your words of encouragement! I just finished doing Leaner legs and 1/2 of Imax 1! Do we really need to do static lungesx( !
RE: 3 weeks to go!

Hi Lori! You are welcome!
Glad to help "motivate" you and read that you are aware of your snacking out of habit! Eating healthy is the biggest part of the link to getting and maintaining results! Anyone can work out for an hour but it's the rest of the 23 hours that make a difference in your goals/achievements ! It's a commitment all around the clock 7 days a week!
I don't like to tell people what to eat or how many calories they should be eating! I'd rather say what not to eat, it's more truthful and realistic to say everything in moderation and avoid fatty foods! Pretty obvious there!

However I do like to educate people on what info is out there , so that they can make there own decisions on what works for them! I recommend cycling your calories throughout the week between high and low calorie days because it's a permanent method! You are not just eating the "same" calories day in day out 7 days a week. Dreading your boring meals that have you under a restriction, Instead You want to keep your body guessing by increasing/decreasing your calories on a consistent basis while choosing from a variety of healthful foods and not overdoing it!

Here's an example of what I'm trying to say " Not" a rule just an example)It's not to confuse you , just to give you a clearer picture!
Take your 5-6 mini meals a day and eat lower calories on Mon, Tues Wed, Higher calories on thurs, lower calories on fri & sat and Higher on sunday! This is just a guide for 5 lower calorie days and 2 higher calorie days spread out though the week! They can be whatever days you want! You can also increase/decrease (zigzag) your calories each day , example Mon 1200 Tues 1400 Wed 1600 Thurs 1800 Fri 2000 sat2200 Sun 1800( just to show a different cycle version ) Remember To lose bodyfat,You must create a caloric deficit to force your body to utilize stored bodyfat as an alternate fuel source. A pound of bodyfat is equal to 3,500 calories. For every 3,500 calories you take in below your maintenance calorie level, you can expect to drop 1 pound of bodyweight.

If you are interested in finding your caloric ranges ,Check out this link to get your calculations

Once you know this information, you can then figure out how to create this deficit and the optimal amount of time to take to get to the goal.

I, personally, don't fuss over the calorie counting, I know what my body needs for the day for fuel and I know that bad eating choices in excess will pack on the added pounds,so I opt to stay in control and at the same time I don't deprive myself! I have my own balance!
I know you will find yours too!

The added info above was to share more info w/ you as an optional fitness tool for you to help reach your goals, nothing is made in stone, so keep an open mind! We are all different and have our own ways of record keeping and being accountable of ourselves! You have to do what works for you to keep you in control, whether it's a food journal, fitness calculator, notes on the fridge, before and after pics, whatever works!

Best of luck to you!
Hi Lori. I do this all the time. When I try to lose weight, I always gain. If I am trying to lose, I get the munchies soo badly. It is almost like I am under stress to lose these pounds, so I eat. If I don't obsess over it I will lose. I wanted to lose about 8# for my wedding 10 years ago and instead I gained about
5#. I too was worried i wasn't going to fit in my dress. I did, but i was so mad at myself.
RE: 3 weeks to go!

Once again, A big thank you. I can obviously tell that you are a caring individual.You take your time and advice and share it with people that you don't know very well.

Well, I averaged out my cals and it says I need around 2000.I think I may cycle anywhere between 1200-1600 cals and see how that goes.I think that when you start something new, its obvious that your body is going to be hungry.After the first week everything seems to settle into place.
You are SO right by saying that the rest of the 23 hrs is what makes a difference.Thats what I have come to realize.Why should I torture myself by running and lifting and then eat that cookie? In most cases it doesn't stop at one cookie.Whatever I had just burned, I am putting right back into my body:eek: Doesn't make sense does it?
Oh, back to the habit thing.I made some cookies yesterday for work (the girls have a bigger sweet tooth then myself)and the broken ones I kept for myself.Do you know as soon as my eyes open I thought about going out and getting a cookie? In my mind that is the same as smoking.Whenever a smoker wakes up in the morning, a smoke is usually the first thing they go for.I am going to try with all of my might to break this crazy habit.Anyway, I didn't have the cookie :7
We have a trip planned this weekend.Camping and canoeing.Already I have thought about what I am going to be eating b/c it will be mostly junk food around and beer.Friday night I am going to make my snacks the night before and my meals.That sounds like a good idea doesn't it.:7
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you again.I think you have brought to the surface all the things I know and needed to be reminded.I am looking forward to cycling those cals. I have never tried that before.
Have a great day, Francine and I will be keeping you posted on my progrss.
Thanks:* :* :* :*
Luckily this is not my wedding.But I didn't go on a diet for my own wedding.I was happy with myself then.
Francine gave me sme great advice.I am going to stop looking in the mirror to and picking out all of the bad things I see.Most of them probably aren't reallt that bad.
Achieve your Dreams

Lori, It's my pleasure to motivate you in the right direction! We all need that PUSH!
Forget about all your previous setbacks in eating,it is in failing that we Do succeed! You can still rebuild a healthy relationship back with food! Take it one day at a time, don't be too hard on yourself and keep it Realistic! "Learn" from your bad choices, "know" what you want to accomplish , don't let anyone distract you from reaching your goals and most importantly always "follow your dreams!"
I wish you much success on your journey, stay in touch!

I wanna share a poem with you before I sign off! Enjoy!
PS Be the best that you can be today! We can be our own worst crtitics, so focus on your positives and Love who you are!

Achieve your Dreams
Life is what happens while you are making other plans. A person of words and not deeds
is like a garden full of weeds. It's better to be trusted than liked, Underpromise - Overperform.
The key to happiness and success is to have a dream.
All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.
You always pass failure on the way to success. You have to wake up in order for your dreams to come true.
Don't let lack of praise nip you in the bud.
The surest way to go broke is to sit around and wait for a break.
The only thing worse than an alarm going off is the one that doesn't. An ego trip won't get you anywhere.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little extra.
If you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.
Count your age by friends, Count your life by smiles. A natural tendency is to want to be understood rather than understand.
Don't prepare for rainy days without enjoying today's sunshine.
Keep your heart a little softer than your head.
Don't think there are no crocodiles just because the water is calm. Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Growing old is when fun is a lot more work.
Never insult a crocodile until you've crossed the river.
If you don't lie down no one can walk on you. If you think things improve with age attend a class reunion.
A good scare is sometimes worth more to a man than good advice.
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
We have two ears and one mouth, Think twice, speak once! Experience is the best teacher because it's always on the job.
You're never fully dressed until you wear a smile.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
The greatest mistake you can make is to be afraid of making one. Happiness is the journey not the destination.
People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.
Does your employer consider you profit or overhead?
Look at life through the windshield not the rear view mirror. To succeed do the best you can, where you are, with what you have.
Don't let your voice mail be "voice jail" to your callers.
A man without humor is like a car without shock absorbers.
Wisdom is what's left over after we smarten up. Many people quit looking for work when they finally get a job.
About the only thing that comes to us without effort is old age.
Don't wait for your ship to come in swim out to it.
Every job is a self portrait of those who did it. Talk less - Say more.
Love at first sight saves a lot of time.
Autograph your work with quality.
You can only control two things your attitude and your activity. Remember, there's nothing more constant than change.
If you tell the truth sooner or later somebody's going to find out.
Experience is the one thing you can't get on easy payments.
Remember change and change for the better are two different things. be on the level and you won't go downhill. All play and no work, does not work.
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
A liar needs a good memory.
Dream of worthy accomplishments and stay awake to achieve them. The only place success comes before work is the dictionary.
You can be happy without needing others to agree with you.
You are not late until you get there.
Glory comes from daring to begin. Have a back bone not a wish bone.
Give your troubles to God, He will be up all night anyway.
The greater part of progress is the desire to progress.
Happiness is the place between too little and too much. Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Destiny is not a matter of chance it's a matter of choice.
Your children need your presence more than your presents.
Each of us has two ends a sitting end and a thinking end, Success depends on which we use. Many spend half the time wishing for things they could have if they didn't spend half the time wishing.
For every person who climbs the ladder of success there are a dozen waiting for the elevator.
Happiness is a choice not a response.
God works with you, not for you. If your dreams turn to dust vacuum.
Do it now, you become successful the very moment you start.
People may doubt what you say but they will believe what you do.
Success -Don't do what you like, Like what you do.

Were you thinking that was a poem? hahaha Oh well A for effort! I pasted my favorite sayings by mistake. Guess I should preview my message first huh;)

This particular poem can be a WAKE UP CALL, especially when we need that good SHAKE. It's a simple poem that can change your whole attitude! Since it is our attitudes that determine soo much, not only affecting us but those around us! Enjoy!

Sculptors attitude
"I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free. Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste. Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born. Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses. Today I can mourn my lack of friend or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships. Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do. Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge. Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provide shelter for my mind, body and soul. Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have! Have a GREAT DAY……unless you have other plans."
Author Unknown

Be the Best that you can be today and sculpt your life!;)

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