Need advice for working with a trainer!!!


Hi folks. Wondering if any of you have advice for working with a trainer. I am a member of 24 hour fitness. Both my hubby and I just signed up for 11 sessions with a trainer.

Do you have any advice on how to best work with a trainer? Should I just put my fat booty in their hands and trust most everything they say? Heck, I have been trying to do this on my own for almost a year and the scale has hardly budged. Yes, I have went down a few sizes :) but I know I could e doing better. I am tempted to just do every single thing he tells me to do (with common sense) and give it the best try I can.

My trainer is the fitness manager who manages all of the trainers so he seems to know his stuff and he said he is really excited about training me. He thinks my biggest problem is my calories. I took the body gem test on Wed and it showed my resting metabolic rate to be 1750. He thinks that I have possibly been eating too little calories on the days I am being good. He said the most important things for me will be calories, consistency and intensity! Sound familiar, heh?

He is going to put together a full fitness and food plan. I am so hoping that getting the calories right will help me lose this gut and booty once and for all!!!!!!

Weird thing is I don't meet w/him until Tuesday. He told me to do cardio every single day (he told me this on Wed.) until I see him next Tuesday. He said no weights, just cardio for a min of 30 minutes at 150 bpm MIN! He said his wt training w/me will be a combo of endurance and strength training and a heavy focus on cardio even during wt training? Not sure what the heck he is talking about with this unless he is going to have me do circuits with cardio?

I would LOVE any tips you folks have on what has worked or what not to do when working with a trainer. I want to get the most out of every penny I am paying him.

p.s. My hubby got a trainer that has been in the olympics 2 times with Judo!!! I am so happy I finally got my hubby to join the gym. Now we go together.
Before this guy puts you on a food plan, personal trainers - depending on your state - should not be dispensing detailed eating plans. In Ohio, we're very limited about what we can say. For that you should go to a nutritionist. As for your calories, if you're not losing weight, you may be eating too much. No matter how you slice it or dice it, it's still a simple formula - calories in, calories out. Have you ever kept a detailed food journal for week, or better yet, several weeks?

I agree with what he says about lots of cardio - it DOES help burn calories, and you must do it. That means maybe not hard cardio 7 days a week, but at least get MOVING 7 days a week. Get a pedometer and wear it everyday, trying to get at least 10,000 steps per day. Please let us know what he says about weight training after you see him on Tuesday.
Just Do It! :)
It sounds to me like he is having you do something very similar to the fat loss rotations Cathe has set up in the past. Endurance weights (like MM, ME, PH), high reps, low weights and circuit workouts (like HSC, HSTA, BC, Gauntlet) and then additional cardio where needed. Now, this is just my opinion but if I am understanding correctly, I think it sounds great!

Do make sure he is qualified to manage your meals. I have heard horror stories about personal trainers giving diet advice with absolutely no qualifications. You're a smart woman, make sure it is a healthy plan. If it looks like something you could do ALMOST everyday for the rest of your life, then it probably is a healthy plan.
I'm also a member of 24 Hour Fitness. From what I've observed, some of their trainers are great, some are not. But be careful - they may try get you to buy their supplements and power bars (which are really no better than anyone elses). And - they are pushed by management to sell more trainer sessions, so they may tell you whatever in order to get you to purchase more sessions. So be a bit on guard. And I think the nutritional advice you get on these forums is far superior to what a trainer would tell you.

That said, I loved my trainer sessions.

Thanks for the good advice folks. Yes, I will be very careful with what I listen to. The 24 hour fitness program is a 5 point system with nutirion being one of them. MY trainer is the manager of all of the trainers, and I guess I should have mentioned that he is also a certified nutritionist.

As far as tracking my calories - yes I have been doing this and I have been eating no more than 1300-1450 calories a day, sometimes lower. I use fitday and track my fat/protein/carb intake and have pretty much been following BFL for the past 6 months. It is a way of life for me now. I also workout usually at min 5-6 days a week and am doing at least 3-4 days of cario plus the bfl style wt training. I have been switching up my wt training lately as I seemed to hit a plateau w/the bfl style.

My trainer said the same thing "it is about inputs versus outputs" and he really thinks my calories are off. The good thing is I am tracking them so at least he knows where to start. But he said as much as I am in the gym and if I am eating half healthy I should have lost more weight by now. It is so depressing! :(

I have already told him the only way I will buy more sessions is if I am so successful on his program that it is worth it. I bought 11 sessions so that will get me thru a couple months and enough to know if it is working or not. He said for me he will target approx. 6 lbs a month of wt loss and not more since I am in good "fitness" shape and have been working out a ton. The one thing I am scared about is I know he is going to work my core to heck! I hate working abs and know I always skip it more often than I should.

Wish me luck gals! I start on Tuesday! :+

Thanks again. I appreciate all the great advice!

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