Need a List of Cold Weather Clothing for Running


I'm ready to take up running outdoors again since the birth of my DD 8 weeks ago to get rid of the baby weight. However, I'm not prepared for the cold weather that is quickly approaching. Can anyone provide me with a list of cold weather clothing that will help me through the winter months and where I can purchase said items? Thanks!!
Good article at Coolrunning. Online sources of winter exercise gear: & At REI, remember that the same clothing used for nordic skiing & snowshoeing will work for cold weather running.

Thanks Debra & Carole! I'll check those sites out. I'm so looking forward to getting back into running again.
hi there, i've been a runner for many years. i will add one thing to the good lists you've got - CHAP STICK!
I check out the material content of the pricey items online and in catalogs and then go to Target and get clothing that consists of the same material.

I stay away from cotton all together. This "breathable" fabric lets the cold air in and the body heat out. That's not good breathin'!! Also, it absorbs the sweat and holds it to your body.
I also try to wear a reflector vest when I run in the early morning. You might not need this if you will be running at a normal hour!


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