The changes you are making to your cARDIO ROUTINE ARE JUST FINE BECAUSE YOU REALIZE THAT YOU HAVE REACHED BURN-OUT WITH THAT TYPE OF ROUTINE, with the long 60 mins type. Sorry for caps!! You don't have to add in another 50 min long session if you don't want to.
What you need right now is just variety. I read another of your recent posts and you are searching for new DVDs right now because you have done your current collection to death. I quite understand. So, rather than thinking in terms of time/duration, think cardio type aswell. Do you have KPC for example? It is Cathe's best kickbox w/o. I love it and I am not a kickbox fan, but I recognize the greatness, the effectiveness of the w/o and the sheer power I feel in the kicks and punches.
I have just started adding in treadmill routines and am liking them a lot. My reasons are that I am coming back to exerciuse after a 5 week break due to some medication side effects. But, I power walk for an hour approx, and I include intervals after a 5 min warm up. I vary the intervals: some are for speed, som eare for the steepest incline I can get. You don't have to run. I read in a running magazine a comparison of running and walking at 5 mph, which is a fast walking pace. At that speed and above for walking, you are actually burning more calories that if you run at that speed, because walking it is such an inefficient way of moving the body that it forces you to expend more energy. According to my treadmill read-out, I am burning from 550-650 calories for a 60 min session. I push it vey hard during the intervals, speed ones I keep the pace at 5.7 or 5.7 mph for a quarter of a mile (just over two mins) and the incline ones I keep for the same time duration at 4.0 mph and 15% inclince, the max.
With these intervals my heart rate is at the same as it is during any of the Imaxes. Ha!
The point is: that I am seeing new progress because I have swapped to a different exercise type. From step to speed walking. FRom steady stae cardios to power intervals, same as the HIIT that you are planning. The change is refreshing and motivating because it is encouraging me to reach fo new challenges, which is what we want, right?
So, for a while, why don't you invest in some new DVDs (what are you planning toget, apart gfrom the GS?) and go for variety? The combo of HIIT and heavy weights should give you dramatic results. After 6 weeks or so of this, try a circuits rotation, to change it up.
So, what DVDs are you going to purchase?