Neck pain from Military Lift in Max Intensity


This is the second time I've done Max Intensity Strength. The first time I was a little stiff between my shoulder blades right by my neck. This time, I literally feel as if I pulled a muscle. I knew when I did it as well (and stupidly finished the set anyway).

What am I doing wrong? Should I go down in weight? Am I using bad form? I'm not quite sure what is wrong. Any advice is welcome.
I used to get neck pain -- not with Max Intensity, but with the FIRM. I discovered through Cathe -- her site here -- that part of my problem was bad form. If you play with her site a bit, she has an entire section on good form for each exercise. You might try going down in weight, as well -- or simply do another full body weight workout -- and build yourself up to Max Intensity.

The one I like best is Muscle Endurance -- I absolutely love that workout -- I can't say enough about it -- and instead of getting neck pain, like I'd used to get with the FIRM, I've gradually built myself up. Another good one in my opinion is Power Hour. I also like Muscle Max, but not as well as the above two.

Anyway, that would be my suggestion -- is read over Cathe's form pointers and do the other full body workouts -- lower that weight -- and build back up in weight and Max Intensity gradually.

Hope that helps a little.:7
Thanks Karen Kay! I really appreciate it. I will definitely check out the form pointers. Cathe is so great. I love what she does for us. I think I will go down in weight for that exercise as well.

Ironically enough I just got Muscle Endurance. The Max Int. leg work out was a little weak for me (maybe I didn't have a high enough weight) but those step ups on ME look painful. LOL.
RE: Neck pain from Military Press in Max Intensity

By the way - I read the form pointer. My problem is that I tend to view an overhead press (military press in my former lingo) as a press that goes directly overhead. Cathe says to keep the bar in your line of sight. I'm pushing too far back. And I do believe I am using too heavy a weight. I'll correct both of these issues next time I do MIS (once my shoulder/neck heals).
RE: Neck pain from Military Press in Max Intensity

Hi Christine,

Isn't Cathe the greatest? I love her form pointers. Since I've been doing Cathe workouts and keeping her form pointers in mind, I really have injured myself so much less.

You're gonna love ME. It really is one of my most favorite workouts -- the leg presses aren't really all that bad, once you get used to them. And they really do give you beautiful glutes.

Let me know how it goes, by the way.

RE: Neck pain from Military Press in Max Intensity

Oh, I did ME this morning before work! Nice, nice workout. I'm sitting in the office enjoying feeling the ache in my glutes. Oh, I was using some choice language on the third set of Leg Presses and on those lunges when you go half up - oh ouch But, as Cathe says, "It hurts so good."

I'll be rotating between ME and MIS (that one has a better upper body work out, actually - ME is better core and lower body), so they compliment each other very well.

Thanks for all of your help!


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