Near Or Over 50 check in Monday Feb. 26


I did get a walk/run in today. Endurance sure drops off over 50. I could run 3 miles a few weeks a go but life got in the way and I only got 3 runs in the past 3 weeks and one week of TLPs. I had to just walk/run.

I've also had bad insomnia lately. Sleep 4 hours and then stay awake until one hour before I have to get up. I hate that!

I forced myself on this one today but I did it!
Hi Collene,

Where is everybody else? Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I got very busy during the day. I did my run on Sunday and felt great, now I can start running again at least 4 days per week. I joined a Boot Camp program near my house and will be working out with them on M,W & Sa. I went to my first session yesterday and it was great! This along with my Cathe tapes should get me ready for the Nike Woman's Marathon in October. Today I will be spinnig at lunch time and running 3 miles in the evening.

Way cool Josie!

I'm just going to do Cathe's Push Pull or Super Sets today and plan to run tomorrow.

Food getting better.

Now if I could get some sleep!


Take a bath with some lavender and sage oil about 10 drops of lavender and 5-6 of sage and soak for a few minutes. After that
drink some warm milk with some vanilla drops before going to bed.

Make sure that when you go to bed you are tired and not just because it's 9:30 PM and that is when you usually do it.

I hope this works.

I've been doing the milk with real vanilla but forgot about a hot bath!

What a treat especially since I'm home with my 10 year old son for a few days.

I took him to the Dr. and he has Strep Throat.

Yep. I'm 53 with a 10 year old. They said having kids keeps you young!

Okay Ladies:

I did Boot Camp on Sunday and then came down with that cold/flu thing on Monday and Tuesday. I am back at work today and still coughing so today will be my 3rd day of not working out. Hopefully I can do something by this weekend. I have my Dad's birthday on Friday and opening day for my little ones Little League all day on Saturday. Maybe on Sunday I can do a short walk. Food hasn't been good, you know you need that comfort food when you are sick!;-)

Hi Collene and Tina,

That cold/flu thing has been going around here too. Today I will go to my boot camp class, yesterday I did not get my run in, but at least I did my spinning at lunch.

Collene, did you get any sleep last night? Also, it is true that having young kids in the house keeps you young. Some of my friends are in their mid 40's and have 3 and 4 year old kids. That is why I enjoy having my grandson over.

Hi all.

yesterday did just the cardio of Cardio Fusion. 48 min. It was just the right amount.

I hurt my left foot running. I'm so bummed. I know I ran too much to fast after a month long running break. I hate how fast fitness goes at this age.

We gals are again pushing the envelop for our age bracket. Most women before our age didn't exercise at all, so we are the guinea pigs. (so to speak)

Plan to do Push Pull today.

Hi All,

Today is a spinning day and I will do some yoga and abs this evening.

Collene, I know what you mean about pushing the envelope.

My computer was down and I discovered I had a virus. Thank goodness my DH could fix.

Cardio today along with shoveling.

Food not too good again but I have been sleeping. I had two wonderful nights rest.


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