Nauseous during workout?


New Member
I have a question - this morning (before eating/drinking) I put in Muscle Max - the weights were adjusted to my ability level, but I found after about 37 minutes I got light-headed and nauseous, so I stopped. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions? Should I be eating before my workouts or not? This has not happened with other cardio/weight workouts.

Thank you.
I get nauseous and light headed if I workout on an empty stomach. My blood sugar plummets and I get so weak I need to lay down. Maybe the MM workout on that particular day just asked too much of your body. Maybe it depends on the what and when of the last time you ate. I would try just a few bites of carb, maybe a half hour before your workout.
Before you take any advice here, go to your doctor & make sure there is nothing wrong with you. This was happening to me last summer, to the point where I would almost pass out. It turned out that there was nothing wrong except the stress in my life at the time. It passed on its own, but go see a doctor first. <y docotr suggested I take some dramamine, it worked sometimes.
Hi I am obviously not Cathe!!!!

But I had this same problem little over a year ago. This is what I have to do. I cant work out on an empty stomach. My sugar level just drops way to much (and I am not diabetic)I have to eat a couple hours before I workout and have at least 1 8oz bottle for working out with weights and if I am doing cardio I need to have 2 80z bottles of water.( Both of these components have helped me termendously.

Hope this helps you
Denise Burner:)
This is not the most scientific answer, but it explained some things to me. I had the same question when I lifted heavy weights, too. I may be wrong, so if I am please correct me!

A trainer told me that the reason why you get sick when you lift intense weights is that your body is creating all that lactic acid. When you get too much acid it can't rid of, your body ph is off, and because your stomach is full of acid, it can make you vomit to try to balance your body's levels again. Again, I haven't researched it or have never gone back to make sure it was true, but it did make perfect sense to me.
I used to get nauseous when I worked out, too. It was usually weight workouts that did it to me, not cardio. I changed my diet (started taking in more nutrients and better food when I started the Abs Diet) and haven't had a problem since. I don't know if that could be the answer for you, but eating better has really made a difference. No more nausea.
Consult your physician, at least give them a call.

Did you drink your full 2 glasses of water when you got out of bed.

I don't eat until after my workout and morning shower, but by the time I do eat I have had at least 3 - 4 (8oz)glasses of water, and I feel lovely.

But then I am only 8 weeks into my fitness quest so compared to never drinking water, never working out, and being overweight EVERYTHING FEELS LOVELY NOW!!!

You could just need some rest as well. Call your Dr. see what they say.

Good Luck
First off consult a doctor just as a safety check, as a lot of time the first sign you got of something being wrong shows up when your really working your body. Also a very minor touch of the flu could have did this. I found this out the hard way when one of my clients suddenly dropped their weight and ran over to the trashcan. I sent them home to go see their doctor, and was call later and told they had a mild case of the flu, never got light headed or nauseous again.

Also yes this could be caused by going empty too long and then doing a really tough workout. As in general, most people go a good 10 hours if not more empty by the time they wake up, and then do a workout shower and finally have breakfast. This is nearly half a day with no food. And an intensity change can really make this show up and do a ton of strange things. Also with no food, your stomach might just be too acidic, and with the tougher workout it just can't handle it, and it all comes out.

What differences have you noticed between MM and your other workouts? Any thing in the upper back/neck area getting more worked then you usually do?

Also this can be caused by lifting more then you should in your upper body faster then your body is ready for, you grab those weight and lift them and you tighten your jaw, and tense those neck muscles, you can be tensing a little ear muscle too, which will have the affect, that your having. And I don't mean a weight actually being too heavy, which is a possibility as well for this to happen, but also just your body wasn't warm up enough or was too tense.

These are all questions to think about, and if this continues try to do it later in the day, or less reps, or slower then Cathe. And if that doesn't work it probably your body is out of alignment, and there are exercise(s) that aggravates it, in that particular workout. And that's when it's your call on how to fix it.

Hi there,

This happened to me about three weeks ago while doing BC. Turns out I was at the start of a really bad cold. I took a few days off and felt much better diving back into my work outs.

Take care.

i get "nauseous" if i don't drink water thruout the workout. sometimes i get a really bad pain on my right side and cannot figure out what the problem is.

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