Okay, I've had some time to read the book more, and I'll try to give a real basic summary of the actual eating plan (he goes into the whys of everything...I'll just write down here the whats). I did find a website of a trainer who followed the plan and lost half her body fat % in less than 10 weeks. Here's the address:
This is taken from her site:
"NHE Diet Plan
The first week:
NHE starts with an "induction" period of 7 days - keep carbs below 20 grams to get out of the sugar (glucose) burning mode and into the fat burning mode. Basically you are eating meat (chicken, eggs, turkey, lean beef, etc) and some cheese and fats. Stay away from carbs! Read labels diligently.
After about 3 days of strict carb restriction, liver and muscle glycogen should be depleted and your body adjusts by recruiting energy from stored body FAT! You will feel a little lethargic for a couple days. There is no way around it. Just get through it. If you stick to the plan, this will be a one-time event.
Focus is on meat, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese for the first 7 days. Don't worry about the fat during this 7 day period. Cabbage, celery, broccoli, spinach, garlic, lettuce, peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, carrots should be eaten in moderation for these 7 days. Stay away from fruits and nuts for now.
Energy levels should increase after 4 days and cravings should disappear as you make the metabolic shift.
The NHE carb load (2x/week)
The carb load should be the last meal of the day for two reasons - before bedtime counters the threat of hormonal hunger and the time asleep allows for the insulin leaves to stabilize. (all food is fattening when insulin levels are high).
There is no upper limit for carbs - women should eat at least 40 grams of carbs. Protein and fat are limited during the carb up.
You can also choose to split the carb load into 2 separate meals.
There is a strategy for incorporating sugary carbs and "junkier" carbs into the plan. His suggestion is to eat the starchier ‘clean’ carbs (oatmeal, yam, rice) first, then follow with the junkier food...reason being...you are fuller and are apt to eat less of them."
I am starting this today, so I'll update maybe in a week or so to let you know how it's working *crossing my fingers I stick with it*