Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau


Anybody read this book? I've seen an infomercial on it for a while now, but actually listended to part of it yesterday and thought it was very intriguing.

Any thoughts?

This is a great book in my opinion. It certainly makes you take a good look at what your eating, the chemicals you are putting on and in your body, what you're cleaning your house with...a whole host of issues that cause your body to be toxic, which leads to disease. It really makes you take control of your health, and will also make you reluctant to run out for a drug every time you have a medical issue. You might be more interested in herbal or homeopathic healing after reading this. When I read this, it made me make many changes in the way I take care of myself and my family. I will always seek out a natural option of healing before I resort to a drug, from now on. Since following some of the advise in his book, I feel healthier, and just plain better. It is really worth taking a look at it. As for the ban on Kevin Trudeau, I think it is a bunch of hooey. The drug companies have much to lose when he gets this information out to the public. Just get the book, I think there's a money back guarantee if you don't like it!!! Pam:)
Yes, this book is an excellent read. It is what has made me start eating clean. I've heard some good and bad things about Kevin, but you can't really argue the points he has in this book. He has done his research.
It's worth noting that Kevin Trudeau is also a convicted criminal. If I remember correctly, he was convicted and served time for credit card fraud. I'd be VERY suspicious of ANY claims he makes. IMO, he tells a lot of half truths which can be very misleading. He's one of those people that claims that microwaves cause cancer and many other crazy, alarmist type stuff like that. Some stuff is true indeed, it's the other stuff he claims that gets me scared. Many treatments he endorses have also been proven to be ineffective in many controlled studies. I'd skip wasting your money on this one if I were you. If you want a great book on nutrition, try anything by Nancy Clark or someone who is an RD. I'm sure many people on this board could suggest something of quality.

He doesn't do much for me. I've seen some of his stuff on TV and read about his checkered past, but don't feel like spending $$$ on a book of questionable value. As for all those natural cures, my DH and I remember a lot of the stuff our folks raised us on, both healthy diet and those old-timey cures that often work better than what you pay big bucks for at your favorite drug store. We're also more into using less chemicals in cleaning and also in gardening. Not totally organic, but what we aim for is to keep things sensible and natural.

It all comes down to common sense. Talk to any old folks you know and you can learn a lot of what he's charging money to tell you! Except for injuries (DH and I are NOT known for being graceful, but we are known for being sort of hyper-active:)) and wear&tear, we just don't ever seem to get sick...thank something's working for US!
Hi Marcia -Mr. Trudeau has spent time in jail for fraud. Some of what he says may be true, but you can find much more reliable sources.Good luck! Coleen

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