Natural Birth Control method


I just found out that taking anti-biotics reduces the affects of birth control - (my doctor called me back to confirm it) -

I take Antibiotic to control my acne, and am not going back to dealing with skin problems, but I don't want kids yet either!!!! HELP!! I have heard of the Natural Birth Control Method - does anyone practice this?? Does it work?? Is there a book I can get on it??
Reba, I'm not answering your question but just want to say that my daughter is pregnant now, as a result of taking antibiotics on and off for re-accuring sinus infections while on the b/c pill.
She was very much not planning a pregnancy since she is planning a WEDDING right now, and while it might have been somewhere in writing when she got her prescription, no one, not her dr. or pharmacist warned her. So, yes, it happens!
Good luck.
If you are referring to the Natural Family Planning Method, you want to get a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler (I think that is her name). This is NOT the same as the rhythm method and does actually work, but you have to be conscientous. The other option would be.... condoms?

Good luck!
The book listed above is excellent. I used the method to predict my fertility when I was trying to conceive. It worked both times. Not sure if I would use it solely to try to prevent conception. But I think if you're using another method such as the pill, this would be a great back-up plan.
Natural Birth Control (aka "Rhythmic Planning") is the riskiest of all forms of birth control. It's basically knowing your body and cycle well enough to know when you can have unprotected sex. YIKES!

What kind of antibiotic are you using - topical or oral? Your doc is exactly right that oral antibiotics can reduce OC efficacy, but some worse than others. You can talk to your OB/GYN for advice - perhaps switching to another pill is an option. Or a combo of pill and an N-9 product(spermicidal) would do the trick.

You could also ask your dermatologist about other options, too. Maybe something topical vs. systemic? The important thing is to educate yourself - google (or ask your pharmacist) for copies of the labeling for all medications you take. Make sure you know the risks as well as the benefits. The antibiotic/oral contraceptive information is clearly described in the labeling of the oral contraceptive. You must never entrust your health entirely to your physician - it's better to educate yourself and ask ask ask!! =]

I would strongly recommend doubling up on bc as long as you're on the antibiotics, which means employ a second, non-systemic method of bc to augment your systemic method.

Clean eating cleared up my acne. I haven't had a zit since I started my clean eating habits. Thats been about 7-8 months now.
Debbie in OH
My husband and I were practicing the natural birth control method less than 4 years ago. Not my preferred choice of birth control and we won't be using it again soon since we just celebrated my sons 3rd birthday!:p :p :p

If your serious about not getting pregnant use something else. Nothing is 100% but condoms are better than nothing!

We, however, knew quite well that our method was far from 100%! I also pregnate easily! All we have to do is share a sink while brushing our teeth and it's time to shop for layettes!
I use the Natural BC Method-- you chart your temperatures daily, take note of your cervical fluid and check your cervix about once a week. As other people mentioned, you have to be really good about paying attention to your body, but if your periods are normal/regular, it's fairly easy to do. No unplanned kids yet!

I highly recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility," too. I read this while trying to get pregnant with my son and have used it successfully since. Once you know your body and what it's doing, it's actually a really easy form of BC!
WOW! I am extremely thankful for this post! I have to take antibiotics when I go to the dentist next month...this post made me call my OB/GYN and ask about Pill/antibiotics. She confirmed and told me we would need to use condoms for the entire month of August, as a backup.

Gads, my husband and I had no idea!! We might have been hearing the pitter patter of little feet!


I also used natural family planning and it worked beautifly-and got me in touch with my cycles so I could get pregnant. I know people with irregular cycles who've had success with this too, but my cycles are very regular and this did help.

I haven't seen too may be able to actually use the natural birth control effectivily and if your under 25 or over 40, you got a 50-50 chance, since your system is either still is trying to find that cycle or it's trying to end that cycle, and not all women release an egg with their period it can be days before or days after. Which can get you in trouble right there. If it were me, I'd be using other forms of birth control that are effective while your on antibiotics, like condums, the sponge, etc, go see your doctor as there are many many different types out there, that you can use with your antibotics, and are pretty effective, it's just the birth control that you take by mouth, patch, shot, or get implanted that the antibiotics screw up. So you got quite a few doors open.

But I would seriously would not be using the natural birth control method. My half sister used it, because her mother wouldn't allow her to have birth control, she ended up with 5 kids before the age of 21.

Also if they switch your birth control your at a higher change of getting pregent as well, for the first 2 months that you use it. A lot of times doctors don't tell you this, until you come in feeling sick and they tell you, your pregent. Then it's oh by the way you were suppose to be more careful for two months. They did this to my mother, who wasn't even suppose to be able to have kids. The doctor switch her to a different pill, and about a month later, she found out she was pregent.

Good luck,

Thanks for all the replies.....I found a Intro Session to Natural Family Planning meeting in town this Thursday night and talked to my cousin who has been using this since 1998!!! They have one planned child, and my other cousin apparently uses this too - not really for religious reasons, but because they both are into not putting anything hormonal or processed into their bodies unless they have to! They are the healthiest eaters I have ever met! LOL

Anyway, my cousin is coming with me to the intro session :). I also spoke to my hubby and we will also use condoms as backup bc we both agree that right now is just not a good time to try and have a child - so hopefully that should work!

I still cannot get over that my dermatologist never mentioned that using this decreases the effectiveness of my birth control! I remember telling him I was on it bc I switched to a low dose pill bc I had heard it helps with acne! HELLO!!!! You guys are right, you must be specific and ask bc they are not going to tell ya!
Well, I used this method "TO" get pregnant. I don't know if I would trust this method to prevent pregnancy though because you have to stay on top of your "signs" everyday. My sister used this method to prevent pregnancy and she has 5 kids! LOL!!!! Obviously she did not track herself very well!!!
Have you ever considered Hormone release iud that way you do not have to worry about bc for 5 years. I get pregnant very easily.I have 4 and I am 28 my husband and I may have one more but no time soon. Minera is the name.
roxy28 may I ask you more information about this...I thought it was called norplant and I thought that bush did away with it. I don't know if it was a state wide or nation wide change, I need to refresh my memory. I researched this a few months ago and would be very interested in any more information you might be able to give me about it. Please PM me or reply here.
The IUD with hormones in it is called Mirena. It is good for 5-years. This is not to be confused with the implant used in the upper arm, I think they did remove those from the market. There is also another IUD, the copper-T, which has no hormones and is good for 10 years. I have this and have been pleased with it. This is not the Dalkon shield which caused a lot of problems in the 70's or 80's. It is one of the main forms of BC outside of the US, according to my OB-GYN.

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