Nancy question about something you said in a response to me


You mentioned that I should do the lunges, squats and plies without weights to begin with.....well what is a plies? Maybe I am just not reading it right and I even went back and reread your post to me and that is how you spelled it. So please explain what exactly that is. I would grately appreciate it.

By the way my Cathe tapes are slated to be delivered tomorrow so I will be trying them real soon.

Thanks for the response before.

God bless you!!

Hi Annette!

A plie (pronounced-plee-ay, long A sound on the "e") is done standing with legs apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Then, from this standing position, you bend down, bending at the knees and push up thru your heels as you come back up. Concentrate on squeezing the butt-cheeks & inner thighs together as you come back up. This is an adductor/inner thigh move. Be sure when you bend down that your knees do NOT shoot past your toes. If so, spread your feet a bit wider. Does that make sense?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
The lunges, squats and plies are the leg exercises that Cathe does with a barbell across her shoulders. The lunges are for the glutes, the squats are for the quads, and the plies (plee-ays)are for the inner thighs, as Debbie described. Since all of these exercises use your body weight for resistance, the barbell weight is essentially EXTRA weight, which you can always add later if you don't feel challenged enough. This is particularly true for Power Hour, where you'll find that you'll go much lighter than usual for all of the exercises.

Have fun!

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