nagging left shoulder ache


Does anyone have this? A nagging ache inside the top of the shoulder?

I've had this for over a year now. I can move my rotators, delts etc. but I have a constant low level soreness that wont' go away.

Advil, Motrin help and I gave it a 3 week break from any shoulder work but when I put upper body work back in back comes the ache.

Should I ice it?

If you have had pain/injury for a year the condition is now will not help at this point. You should see a doctor and in the meantime don't do anything to aggrevate it.

Good luck![/IMG][/URL]
I had a feeling that's what I should be doing. I was stalling seeing a Dr.
Thanks so much for the advice.
I have a degenerative cervical disc and this causes chronic tenderness and nagging pain in one side of my lower neck and shoulder.

As everyone suggested, see a Dr.
I have this... (IF its the same kind of ache) its almost pinching at times, and my arm gets tingely, like I've been laying on it.. Saw my doc for it, and he said it was called.. "thorasic outlet syndrome"(SP) and that if it gets worse physical therapy would be necessary, but its from overdeveloped neck muscles, and muscle strain, meanwhile, I've incorperated stretching everyday, and more intense stretching before and after my workouts....and it has helped. But I would definatly see your doc.. and get a diagnosis of your own..
Looks like I need to add a yoga class!
I will see my Dr. next month.
I have had Psoriatic Arthritis since I was 39 and I take Enbrel and methotrexate to keep the symptoms at bay.
He's also a good GP. Funny each time I saw him this past year for my blood work I kept forgetting to tell him about it. I thought the ache would go away.

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