My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant


Okay, I had my visit with the nutriton consultant today. My birthday present to myself. She was great and I learned so much I don't know which parts to tell you about. It was motivating just to look at this woman in her mid fifties who was as lean and as healthy looking as could be. I wouldn't have known she was in her fifties if she hadn't told me. She is a walking billboard for the benefits of good nutrition!

I barely dragged myself in there in the worst throes of PMS. The first thing she told me was that I do not have to suffer from PMS at all! WOW! She said I don't need to feel so fatigued anymore and that I (ME??) could FEEL GOOD EVERY DAY! (What's it like to even feel good for one day?)


I'm going to start very slowly and gradually make changes to my diet instead of trying to do it all at once.

It may not come as any surprise to all of YOU, but it was interesting to me to find out that all this clean eating stuff really IS the right stuff. I never used to know what you folks were talking about with all this "clean" eating stuff, but now I know. OUT with the Luna Bars and IN with the veggies.

She gave me so many great articles to take home. Do you have any idea how much better drinking enough water can make you feel?? Or how diet soda can make it difficult to lose weight?? Or the incredible benefits of eating sweet potatoes??

I start by cutting back one-half of all the coffee and diet soda I drink. That I'll start right away. Then I have to learn how to make old-fashioned oatmeal (not the quick stuff) in the microwave for breakfast and have to eat that in the morning with some ow-fat cheese and skim milk. I'll have to work on that, trying different cheeses until I hit on the right combo.

Then I have to find places near where I work where I can get salads with beans and 3 ozs. of protein. I have to buy Newman's salad dressings because they're the only ones natural enough to have on my salad. Thank goodness for Paul Newman, as I would not be willing to make my own salad dressing thank you very much. I also have to get Beano so that I can eat all these fruits and veggies without discomfort!

She said I was pretty easy because I basically love every kind of food.

Wish me luck ladies!!
Nancy -
Wow! It is so nice to see your motivation! Sometimes it is just the little motivation you get from some un-attached to you that can turn your own light on inside. I am so glad you and the nutrition consultant hit it off and she was able to point you in a new direction!

Please keep us posted on how it goes! Also, please feel free to keep sharin' all the good info.!

Keep smilin' girlfriend!
Newmans is good stuff.

The clean eating bit really does make a huge diffrence in how one feels. Changes your whole biochemsitry so everything is clicking together brain to toes. Takes time for it to 100% come together and set in so draw up some patience, it's soooo worth it.

Hi Nancy!

You sound very up and are ready for a future of vitality. I love Newman's Own salad dressings. My favorite is the Family Style Italian. Very flavorful; don't need very much to enjoy a great salad. Keep us posted on your findings and progress.

Thank you for this.

I am trying to eat more veggies and non-processed foods myself.

I'm trying to get my kids to snack more healthfully. But, I noticed that when I am munching on cucumbers, bell peppers, or whatever, they will want some.

I guess example is the best way to teach healthy snacking.
That's wonderful!! I'm so glad you went to see her. Congratulations on a great choice! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

This is awesome news. I'm so glad she was able to give you the advice you were looking for!

I eat old fashioned rolled oats about 3 days a week--IN THE MICROWAVE! I use the same measurements & toss it in the microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds. I add anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 cup cottage cheese depending on my needs that day. I use 1 tbs low sugar grape jelly to sweeten it. It's not great, but it's not horrible, either. I also eat Cream of Wheat the same way. However, with the Cream of Wheat, you have to stir it about 1/2 way through otherwise it gets lumpy.

Just eating better has changed a lot for me this month. I do still have PMS. I'm a royal bitch right now but I'm more aware of it than I was before--does that make it better, I don't think so but at least I'm aware of the problem. I have noticed that I'm no longer cold all the time, though. It's really nice to be warm for a change!

Good luck with the changes. I think you'll be surprised at the results you get. Remember they won't happen over night but they will happen!
I have really cleaned up my eating too, and I notice my figure loking better. I am glad you know have HOPE!!!!! That is such a great feeling. My question to you is how can diet soda hinder your weight loss efforts??? I drink about 4 cups of coffe a day, and I have 2 Diet Rite sodas throughout the day. They are caffiene free. I also usually drink a cup of green tea, and lots of water. Thanks for the info!!!
Lori S.
Hi Nancy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You go girl! I'll post here tomorrow w/some salad recipes that I have. You only use a little bit of olive oil & lime juice and the other one you only use lemon juice. The salads are AWESOME! Good luck! Kathy;)
Happy birthday. ihope all goes well with the eating.
Newman's Own dressings are THE BEST. I love the Balsamic Vinegar. YOu have to try it.
Glad to hear you in a better state of mind than the last time I read your post. I'd like to know where you went to look for a nutritionist. I have looked in the yellow pages under dietician and nutritionist and there are no listings.

Happy birthday to you, Nancy! What a great gift that you gave yourself!

I can't tell you how much better I feel since I have been eating a healthier diet. I generally eat as clean as I can without being obsessed. Fresh fruits & vegetables and lean meats have made all the difference! Good luck! You're going to look and feel great!
Way to go, Nancy! Take it slow and steady!

If you need a little bit of a sweet treat, try Paul's "Fig Newmans." He even makes a wheat-free variety.
I decided to give up diet pop. Even tho' is the decaffinated kind, and I drink no more than 3 cans a day, I'm giving it up, starting today. I dragged a gallon of water to work, and so far so good.

Now for the coffee...that may be next.

Good luck with this, Miz Nancy!

Did the nutritionist shed some light on your weight gain?
Diet pop

I gave up decaffeinated diet pop about 18 months ago - I drank it all day long in place of water. When I want something bubbly, I drink flavored seltzer water. It took a while to get used to, but now I love it. HB - Giant Eagle has their own store brand with lots of good flavors.

Nancy: Happy Birthday! What a great birthday present to yourself--the gift of looking and feeling better permanently. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving. You've inspired me to do the same; however, my birthday isn't until September, so I'll have to stick it out until then. Can anybody explain simply just what clean eating is? Is it a macrobiotic diet, or are there processed foods included? What about bread, cereals, etc.? I know the benefits of including lean protein at mealtime, but what else should I be aware of?

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