My "vicious" pit bull

RE: My

>Elaine - I think the reason that there are so many pits is
>because of the increase in dog fighting amongst the
>gangbangers. It's very sad, actually, and while I do not
>blame you for your caution with pits, please note that there
>is not one recorded incident of a pit who is spayed or
>neutered attacking a human. Not one. Enjoy your new dog!
>Maybe you'll want to consider an Aussie mix - he or she can be
>a great running partner for you! :+

I'm so glad you posted this Christine. I get so upset when I hear that people seem to think that pit bulls being nice is just 'anecdotal evidence.' When people hear about non-spayed/neutered pit bulls attacking people that is just anecdotal evidence too! It isn't based on a scientific study. Now, I firmly believe that people should get whatever kind of dog they want, but pits are very sweet, friendly dogs that are great with kids. Most pits that attack have been brought up that way. It's those owners that should have the bad reputations.x(
RE: My

My Pit Bull Macy is really sweet. If I was better at computer stuff I would post a pic of her. She is the most laid back dog. She is all white. She is also deaf. We taught her hand signs. I hate it when people start saying stupid crap to me like she is going to "turn" on my one day. x(
RE: My

Liann - I know! I can't believe anyone would give Amber up either. She is the BIGGEST snuggle bug. She's my little shadow. I think they must have had kids b/c she used to get SOOO excited to see kids. We don't have any and I think she must miss her "kids". :( We've had her for a few years now.

tpf - That's funny - she does!!!

Cathy - I'll pass on your compliment. I entered that photo in a contest with the ASPCA and out of 4,000 entries they chose 10 winners and it was one of the 10. :) It wasn't the grand prize winner, although I think it should have been. :p

Poochy - I'm glad you enjoy seeing them. I just never get tired of them either. :) I'm glad Shelly posted a pic of Spanky. I love seeing everyone's dogs!

Christine, Pippa and LauraMax - Thanks for what you all said. I was hoping this thread would stay positive for pit bulls since that was its intent. In light of recent events and what those poor, poor dogs have been through it's nice to show them a little support here. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
RE: My

Hi Suz! Love your pics of Gizmo and Amber!! Thanks to everyone for their positive support. When we adopted Spanky from a shelter they said she was a "pitbull mix" However, I really don't see anything in her but pit bull. I know for a fact that shelters will frequently label a dog a pitbull "mix" because they are afraid no one will adopt them otherwise.

Spanky sends everyone a special lick:p

RE: My

Shelly - That's crazy! If anybody's a pit bull mix, it's Gizmo. And they said he was 100% pit bull. Some days he looks like it and other days not as much. Spanky definitely looks 100% pit bull to me. I bet you're right though that shelters say "mix" to try to get them homes. So sad. Thanks again for this thread. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

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