My Trip to V


My Trip to V
by Redeye

I just got back from V in Charleston, SC, and it was PURE HEAVEN!!! I was completely and utterly star, the instructors look incredible on videos, but in can't imagine how amazing they look. I had the big-eye the whole time -- I'm such a hick.

I've read other people talk about how nice the people are and how beautiful the fitness center is and yada, yada, yada, but I was not prepared for how NICE the people are and how BEAUTIFUL the fitness center is.

Wow! I've been to a lot of gyms (being a gym rat for 10 years), but I've never seen one this gorgeous. There is a dynamite view from every corner of that place. I was even fascinated by the music videos they had going. I want to live there!

They have a HUGE selection of weights and machines. Years ago, when I was working out in the gym, I had begun to minimize the amount of machine work because I favor my right side so much; also, some machines are not user-friendly where my personal range of motion is concerned. V has machines that let each side operate independently so you can't favor one side or the other. I just loved that! I had never seen some of these machines before, and I thought I'd seen 'em all.

In the 3 days I was there, I took classes with Susan, Carissa, and Traci S., and I watched a class with Tracie. You know what? It's exciting just to observe a class; I got a ton of useful information from it. A class with a live instructor is great, but a class with these women is an experience you will not forget. I expected a great workout with good cueing, and I expected to sweat, but I didn't expect to be entertained during all that. They are all impossibly talented and have personality to spare. You have to see it for yourself.

Unlike any gym I've been to, (even private gyms), the staff at V is very big on personal attention, and they sure aim to please. Susan overheard us asking how to use the foam roller so she gave us an impromptu class. How sweet is that? FYI: I'm getting a foam roller asap - it's an amazing massage!

Everyone was so warm, friendly, helpful, and happy. I just didn't want to leave...ever.
I am SO jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, so very geniunely happy for you that you got to meet the great former Firm instructors in person, and see Tracie's new club!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :)
I too am totally jealous!! I am very happy for tracie and her new club, she has always had the figure I aspire to..and still aspiring too!! She is the one who first hooked me on fitness:)
>Count me in on jealousy too! It must have been awesome to
>see these ladies.

You got that right -- AWESOME!!! I was totally unprepared for such an amazing experience. I wonder when I'll finally calm down? :p

Speaking of awesome, I'd love to see Cathe in person.

FYI: Crazyweights is pretty awesome herself!:D
I was with Redeye and crazyweights at V, and they are both awesome!!!

As are the classes, the instructors, and everything about the place.

It's evident that functional fitness gets results. All of the regular V members who attended the classes looked amazing! We'll just have to be happy with the video workouts for now, and hope that Tracie cranks out some more soon!

And in the meantime, there's Hardcore. :)
I was also on the trip to V with Red, crazyweights, and peachy-this was just awesome!!! And fun, fun, fun!!!!
That must have been an experience to remember!! I have just recently heard of V and was intriged to find out more. I don't get to travel much and being in Western NY it's quite a ways away for me. Thank you for sharing your experience with V, that gives me something to shoot for. I've only been to a few gyms in my life (I'm more able to workout at home) but could just imagine the way that place looked.

Thanks again,

This was the very first time, I had ever been away from my family...and totally worth it, I had a blast!!!

This was the first time I was ever in a gym, also, the classes were soooo good, I kept looking for my pause button, unfortunately left it at home, sooo I was reduced to a sweatymessofsweatness-LOL

V is absolutely beautiful, you can see the harbor from the workout area, Charleston is a beautiful city to see!!!

If ya ever get the chance, try to visit V, I'm sure you'll love it!!

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