Amy Steppe

Hi Cathe,

First of all, I love your workouts. I just want to honestly voice some of my least favorite aspects of your latest videos.

Although I love all the premixes available in your series, I still would like to see a Cross Train Express Series.

The timesaver versions just are not the same as the actual Cross Train Express series. They just don't flow as well.

I use and love most all the premixes, but the first Cross Train Express remains one of my favorite series. I use it at least every 6 weeks and always look forward to doing the entire 6 days!

I have grown really tired of stability ball work. I understand its importance, but I would love to see you go back to traditional bench work for weight training, at least for another video.

Drill Max is great, but takes up way too much space and some of us really do not have a wall! I would do Drill Max regularly if it did not literally walk me out of the room!

In Kick Max, you do one routine that is very hard to do on carpet -- and you note that. Since I work out on carpet, I feel cheated during this particular segment..

I really don't care for kickbox, but love what it does for my body. I would like another 10/10/10 style of workout. Believe it or not, the Kick Box portion of CTX challenges me more than Cardio Kicks, Kick Punch and Crunch or Kick Max. I always feel the DOMs after doing the CTX Kickbox segment.

But my favorite Kickbox video remains Kick Punch and Crunch.

In your last video series (LIC, BM2, DM) you crack the whip more and don't seem to be having as much fun.

Your using the 8 inch step in Body Max 2 intimidates me enough, so when I am stuggling with using a 6 inch step on BM2, and you make the comment that I might be fudging it if I am not going all out, I feel very guilty and as though I am not benefitting myself at all.

It makes me want to just give up.

I prefer your older coaching style where you encourage us in a more friendly manner -- you push us, but don't tell us we are fudging if we cant go all out on an 8 inch step.

I don't mind the statements about cheating and agree you only cheat yourself if you don't do your best, but in the latest series you just don't come across as warm and friendly as you did in other videos.

I want to be honest with you and not sugar coat my feelings since you are my Number One Fitness Instructor -- ever.

I love the music you use in your latest series, but I do agree with one person who said some of your cool down music is depressing. It is really depressing after all that great techno mix music to go to a sad song for the cool down.

And I hope that some of your former cast members will make a repeat performance...Rhonda, Lisa, Jai's Husband, and Hope to name a few.

All that said, I can't wait to see what you do for your next series and rest assured, I will pre-order!

Thank you so much for making the quality of my life so much better!

I will always be a fan!
I think in BM2 when she is talking about fudging it, Cathe is referring to the power 15s...not what step height you are on. And I think it is a legitimate statement...based on your energy level you are either going all out or you are not jumping as high.

All of cathe's workouts are not going to fit everyone's lifestyle. Drill Max, for example, is an excellent video for those who have room. And she should not stop from producing a video of that caliber because some people won't have room.

Just some thoughts.
Personally, I LOVE stability ball work. I really don't like ab work but I feel more motivated to do it on a stability ball. It's such a great and versatile piece of equipment and I love how you incorporate it into your workouts! I also really enjoy weight work with a stability ball as well. It provides a great variety. I love love love Drill Max!!!! I don't have the room for all of it either, but that doesn't change the fact that I love it and would greatly enjoy more videos like it!:) I actually have a very narrow workout space so I do what I can with the room I have. I absolutely do not feel slighted because of my lack of space.

I also don't have the ideal floor for kickboxing, but I love KM and it is my absolute favorite kickboxing workout you have! The premixes alone make the purchase worth it IMO.

As far as CTX goes, I really like the series, but I like the new stuff better. And I think your attitude in all of the newer videos is stellar and VERY motivating for me!:) Your smile and happy demeanor motivate me to no end.

Just one little thing:

I really like in LIC when Cathe says 'I'm getting enemies back there' It makes me smile every time.

I actually think Cathe looks like she's having a great time. She's really relaxed and it's like being in the room.

Keep up the variety Cathe!

(I don't even have a stability ball but bought the new series anyway and can work around it. It's my choice!).

We love what you do!

>Your using the 8 inch step in Body Max 2 intimidates me
>enough, so when I am stuggling with using a 6 inch step on
>BM2, and you make the comment that I might be fudging it if I
>am not going all out, I feel very guilty and as though I am
>not benefitting myself at all.
>It makes me want to just give up.

When I first read this, I thought "wow, Amy's being overly sensitive here, and letting this get to her too much," but then I thought about it, and realized that I've sometimes felt similarly about some of Cathe's coaching vs. that of some other instructors. I sometimes get the feeling that we 'should' be doing the workout the way Cathe shows, and that anything less is fudging--partly because she doesn't show modifications or have background modifiers or often 'build up to' the more intense moves (though in some workouts she does mention substitutions for moves, I distinctly recall one workout in which there is a 'power scissors' sequence, and the substitution she suggests is a tap-up/tap-down, a much less intense move, almost as if those of us who can't or don't want to do the power scissors are to be relegated to 'the short bus', doing some sort of 'remedial' move).

Usually, I no longer give a rat's patooty about following workouts to-the-letter, and just do what's best for me--like using a lower step height (or higher one!), banning "tuck jumps" from my workout repertoire in favor of what I find to be more sensible and functional plyo moves-- but I do like things presented in a more user-friendly way, encouraging us to take it up a notch, and making us feel like we're accomplishing more by doing so, but not making us feel like we aren't 'up to snuff' if we don't.
Hey Amy, I appreciated your well thought out and expressed opinions on Cathe workouts and your preferences for new workouts. I think you did a good job thoughtfully expressing yourself knowing there will be others who have different opinions (I don't agree with some of your points either, but that's beside my point.) My philosophy on any workout or any instructor is to take what is provided and make it work for me. I modify, a lot. 8 inch steps and high impact moves used to be my norm until extra weight, age, and bad knees forced me into a 6 inch (or lower at times) step height -- I don't feel like I'm cheating myself even if the instructor intimates that I am. I know myself and my body and that seems to be the message Cathe reinforces much of the time ... listen to your body, push yourself when you can, and you will see progress. Exercise should be fun. Please don't guilt yourself if you struggle; we all struggle at times, it's part of the process of growing and changing. I see Cathe workouts as soemthing for me to work up to .. I've been exercsing for many many years but don't consider myself to be advanced in fitness, I have much progress to make before I'd ever consider myself in Cathe's league. Sometimes I pull out and do an older dvd of an "intermediate" stage and note how much easier it is for me now that I do Cathe more regularly. Soemtimes we need things to measure our progress by. Again, thanks for your thought-provoking post. Another fan of Cathe, Deb
Everyone has their right here to state their feelings.................and I respect this. :)

I don't know................I just think Cathe is perfect! :)

Anything that Cathe does that I am not comfortable with......I modify my workout to fit my needs and comfort level.

That's just me! :)
"Everyone has their right here to state their feelings.................and I respect this. :)

I don't know................I just think Cathe is perfect! :)

Anything that Cathe does that I am not comfortable with......I modify my workout to fit my needs and comfort level.

That's just me! :)"

My feelings exactly.

Hello again!

I just re-read my suggestions after writing this.....and here is what I think, in retrospect of my previous post:

1. I do not know where my brain was when I said your cool down music was depressing. The only really depressing music for me personally is from the original Body Max. I did that workout on the evening before one of my pets died and I think I am associating that song with my bird's death.

2. I now own the Gym Style workouts, so I guess my comments about the Stability Ball use are goofy.

I still do not care for Drill Max since I don't have the space or a free wall. The workout is fantastic, but I got frustrated with having to modify the workout so much. Because I don't care for Drill Max does not mean it is a bad workout. That is not the case.

I still get bummed out since I use a 6 inch step for Body Max 2, but again, that is a personal issue that I need to deal with.

And I still would love to see Rhonda, Lisa, Hope, Jai's Husband, and/or Pat Kelly in a future video.

What would really be awesome, but I know probably will never happen is to see your husband in a video!

I have seen him and unless he has changed drastically, he appears to be quite athletic.

It would be fun to see Jai's husband and your husband in the boxing video you are planning!

Thank you again for all the happiness you have brought to my life!


OOPS! I almost forgot -- I still love Cross Train Express. I don't know what I'd do without that series in my rotations!

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