My Thighs are Really Ugly!


I spent about five hours yesterday trying on swimsuits. My boys want to swim this summer and I needed a new swimsuit. Well, I think I have been sitting at this computer a bit too much lately, cause my thighs are so ugly I can't even stand to look at them. I need some advice about getting them in shape. I need to get rid of these saddlebags. I am not what you would call fat--5'5" and 135lbs. But my thighs and butt scare me!!! I have been doing the CTX series for the last 3 weeks. This past week I did the Slow and Heavy series alternating every other day with step tapes. I feel healthy and strong, but I can't stand the way my thighs and butt look. Could any of you extremely educated ladies give me some advice on how to loose these saddlebags. Please Help Me! This seems impossible to fix. Thanks in advance for any advice and wisdom.
Heather in NM :(
Hi, Heather! I'm not sure how much advice and wisdom I have to impart, aside from *please be a little more gentle with yourself :* , but I thought I'd share a personal experience (I'm only 2" shorter than you, so we're probably close to the same body type):

Since I've incorporated more Cathe hi/lo into my ongoing program, I've noticed a significant leaning of the thigh area in general, coupled with a really nice increase in muscle definition. A couple of workout suggestions you might find helpful:

Try doing Circuit Max with barbell squats and lunges only (kind of like Power Circuit or the step-circuit segment of Body Max); I like to do this as follows: first resistance cycle standard squats (56 at tempo); second resistance cycle static lunges at tempo (28 each leg with a quick switch, no rest); third resistance cycle plie squats (56 at tempo); fourth resistance cycle static lunges (28 each leg with a quick switch); fifth resistance cycle standard and plie squats with a slow half-count tempo (28 each position); and the sixth resistance cycle static lunges at a slow half-count tempo (14 each leg with a quick switch). That is a real sweat factory, and obviously you'd need to do some upper body work afterward or next session, but it's great cardio AND leg work.

Try doing the following mish-mosh if you have it:

MIC hi/lo segment including warm-up
10-10-10 hi/lo segment
Boot Camp cardio only premix if you have it; OR
CTX Step&Intervals interval segment

Also try the following mish-mosh if you have it (DVD):
Rhythmic Step or I-Max 1 warm-up
CTX Power Circuit circuit segment
Boot Camp cardio+lower-body-only premix

These have been folded into my ongoing program over the past few weeks, and again I've noticed a change.

Hope this helps! And I'm looking forward to others' suggestions!

And try buying either board shorts or Spandex men's bathing suit shorts. They look like bike shorts but are shiny. I just quit trying to deal with the horror of my "saddlebag" area and just strap it down and cover it up. I'm not really that fat, but that area is simply unacceptable. I am 5'7" and 135 lbs. No fat anywhere but there, so I can't have it ruin my otherwise acceptable body, can I?

As you know exercising the muscle under the fat does not make it go away. You'd have to lose the fat with diet and exercise and some genetically-determined lumps are very very stubborn. I could only lose 5-10 pounds in theory, and they're all in the saddlebag area and as far as I'm concerned, that's where they'll stay until I die.

Just my 2 cents!
I LOVE board shorts!! I love pretty much all of me except my thighs. Inner and outer.....YUCK!! But the upper half can do a bikini top, the board shorts cover all the yuck, and it does not look anything like the skirty suits I used to be forced to wear. Take care, Donna.
I wholeheartedly second the idea of board shorts! I just got mine (waiting for the top) and love them...they are so flattering!!! I have an area just under the right "cheek" that is like a smaller second "cheek" due to a skiing accident years ago. The board shorts are just long enough (4 in. inseam) that they just cover that area. I got mine from Patagonia (check out watergirl...that's who made mine). They weren't cheap but Patagonia stuff lasts and lasts. If you're looking for really inexpensive, check out Walmart or Target--I've seen boardshorts at both.

Hi Heather,

I know the feeling! I don't know how many times, I've tried on a swimsuit - thought it looked cute from the front view, then looked at the back view and said "NO WAY"!
I'm 5' 8" and weigh 136 lbs. (Goal weight is 130.) The only thing that seems to be helping me is step-ups and lunges. When I do them, my whole focus (mind and body) is on that area where the saddlebags are. My husband says he has noticed a difference.
My swimsuits are 8 years old - so I'll be struggling to find another one this year too.
Hang in there, keep working out, and try and stay positive!

Board shorts??

Can anyone tell me what board shorts are?? I am in the UK and have never heard of them. Maybe they are called something else here?

Another wobbly thighed girl
Thanks everyone for the excellent advice. The board shorts sound wonderful. And I will keep working on my thighs in the meantime. Glad to know I am not the only one with saddlebags.
Thanks again,

Go outside and look in a mirror from 20 feet away in the sunlight.

Get tan.

Do low intensity cardio such as swimming, walking.

Get away from that computer! You'll have to pick a comfortable suit to start with. Enjoy the spring and summer weather!

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