My Pseudo P90X Legs & Back routine using Cathe's GS Legs ...

Catherine & Jess~

You both are much smarter than I am:( After I finished my P90X round, I went back to Cathe's w/o and quit doing pullups. Then one day I decided to P90X chest & back and couldn't pull a single one:mad: Granted, after my first round I could only do a few unassisted but this time I couldn't even get past halfway. GRRRR...I won't make that mistake again!


That's my fear!! After working so hard to do chin/pullups, I'd hate to lose that ability!!! I took about 3 weeks off from one round and did Cathe's GS's, but for some reason I still felt like I lost some ground w/ the chins at first!! Never again... ;)
Do you know, to this day, when I do GSL I STILL can't do more than two slo-mo lunges? Actually, I got through 3 once, but only on the first leg... with no dumbbells. Those things are tough, especially after all the other leg work.


Don't get me wrong, I think they're tough, especially after everything else!! I think the wall squat at the end killed me! :eek:
You're so smart, Catherine!! I love the pause button. ;) My chinup bar is upstairs anyway, so I have to run up & down 2 flights of stairs for each set. That has to count for extra, right?? :D

You've got a little interval going on there running upstairs!!:eek:

My chinup bar used to be in another room. Now thankfully it's all in 1 place!! I don't know if I'd do very well if I had to run upstairs :eek::confused:
You've got a little interval going on there running upstairs!!:eek:

My chinup bar used to be in another room. Now thankfully it's all in 1 place!! I don't know if I'd do very well if I had to run upstairs :eek::confused:

That's what I think! I have a split level house and the chinup bar will only work in our bedroom door (the way the rooms are set up, there's no room for it in any other door). Oh well, before I had it I had to run out to the garage!! It got pretty cold in the winter. :rolleyes:
Do you know, to this day, when I do GSL I STILL can't do more than two slo-mo lunges? Actually, I got through 3 once, but only on the first leg... with no dumbbells. Those things are tough, especially after all the other leg work.


I loathe slow mo lunges and those low plane lunges that she does in 4ds :confused:

SSW, I do 2 slo mo on one leg switch to the other leg mid set and do 2 and then do it again. That way I can do all 4 :rolleyes: My body does not like lactic acid :(

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